Text file src/crypto/md5/md5block_amd64.s

     1  // Original source:
     2  //	http://www.zorinaq.com/papers/md5-amd64.html
     3  //	http://www.zorinaq.com/papers/md5-amd64.tar.bz2
     4  //
     5  // Translated from Perl generating GNU assembly into
     6  // #defines generating 6a assembly by the Go Authors.
     8  //go:build !purego
    10  #include "textflag.h"
    12  // MD5 optimized for AMD64.
    13  //
    14  // Author: Marc Bevand <bevand_m (at) epita.fr>
    15  // Licence: I hereby disclaim the copyright on this code and place it
    16  // in the public domain.
    18  TEXT	·block(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-32
    19  	MOVQ	dig+0(FP),	BP
    20  	MOVQ	p+8(FP),	SI
    21  	MOVQ	p_len+16(FP), DX
    22  	SHRQ	$6,		DX
    23  	SHLQ	$6,		DX
    25  	LEAQ	(SI)(DX*1),	DI
    26  	MOVL	(0*4)(BP),	AX
    27  	MOVL	(1*4)(BP),	BX
    28  	MOVL	(2*4)(BP),	CX
    29  	MOVL	(3*4)(BP),	DX
    30  	MOVL	$0xffffffff,	R11
    32  	CMPQ	SI,		DI
    33  	JEQ	end
    35  loop:
    36  	MOVL	AX,		R12
    37  	MOVL	BX,		R13
    38  	MOVL	CX,		R14
    39  	MOVL	DX,		R15
    41  	MOVL	(0*4)(SI),	R8
    42  	MOVL	DX,		R9
    44  #define ROUND1(a, b, c, d, index, const, shift) \
    45  	XORL	c, R9; \
    46  	ADDL	$const, a; \
    47  	ADDL	R8, a; \
    48  	ANDL	b, R9; \
    49  	XORL	d, R9; \
    50  	MOVL	(index*4)(SI), R8; \
    51  	ADDL	R9, a; \
    52  	ROLL	$shift, a; \
    53  	MOVL	c, R9; \
    54  	ADDL	b, a
    56  	ROUND1(AX,BX,CX,DX, 1,0xd76aa478, 7);
    57  	ROUND1(DX,AX,BX,CX, 2,0xe8c7b756,12);
    58  	ROUND1(CX,DX,AX,BX, 3,0x242070db,17);
    59  	ROUND1(BX,CX,DX,AX, 4,0xc1bdceee,22);
    60  	ROUND1(AX,BX,CX,DX, 5,0xf57c0faf, 7);
    61  	ROUND1(DX,AX,BX,CX, 6,0x4787c62a,12);
    62  	ROUND1(CX,DX,AX,BX, 7,0xa8304613,17);
    63  	ROUND1(BX,CX,DX,AX, 8,0xfd469501,22);
    64  	ROUND1(AX,BX,CX,DX, 9,0x698098d8, 7);
    65  	ROUND1(DX,AX,BX,CX,10,0x8b44f7af,12);
    66  	ROUND1(CX,DX,AX,BX,11,0xffff5bb1,17);
    67  	ROUND1(BX,CX,DX,AX,12,0x895cd7be,22);
    68  	ROUND1(AX,BX,CX,DX,13,0x6b901122, 7);
    69  	ROUND1(DX,AX,BX,CX,14,0xfd987193,12);
    70  	ROUND1(CX,DX,AX,BX,15,0xa679438e,17);
    71  	ROUND1(BX,CX,DX,AX, 1,0x49b40821,22);
    73  	MOVL	DX,		R9
    74  	MOVL	DX,		R10
    76  // Uses https://github.com/animetosho/md5-optimisation#dependency-shortcut-in-g-function
    78  #define ROUND2(a, b, c, d, index, const, shift) \
    79  	XORL	R11, R9; \
    80  	ADDL	$const,	a; \
    81  	ADDL	R8,	a; \
    82  	ANDL	b,		R10; \
    83  	ANDL	c,		R9; \
    84  	MOVL	(index*4)(SI),R8; \
    85  	ADDL	R9,	a; \
    86  	ADDL	R10,	a; \
    87  	MOVL	c,		R9; \
    88  	MOVL	c,		R10; \
    89  	ROLL	$shift,	a; \
    90  	ADDL	b,		a
    92  	ROUND2(AX,BX,CX,DX, 6,0xf61e2562, 5);
    93  	ROUND2(DX,AX,BX,CX,11,0xc040b340, 9);
    94  	ROUND2(CX,DX,AX,BX, 0,0x265e5a51,14);
    95  	ROUND2(BX,CX,DX,AX, 5,0xe9b6c7aa,20);
    96  	ROUND2(AX,BX,CX,DX,10,0xd62f105d, 5);
    97  	ROUND2(DX,AX,BX,CX,15, 0x2441453, 9);
    98  	ROUND2(CX,DX,AX,BX, 4,0xd8a1e681,14);
    99  	ROUND2(BX,CX,DX,AX, 9,0xe7d3fbc8,20);
   100  	ROUND2(AX,BX,CX,DX,14,0x21e1cde6, 5);
   101  	ROUND2(DX,AX,BX,CX, 3,0xc33707d6, 9);
   102  	ROUND2(CX,DX,AX,BX, 8,0xf4d50d87,14);
   103  	ROUND2(BX,CX,DX,AX,13,0x455a14ed,20);
   104  	ROUND2(AX,BX,CX,DX, 2,0xa9e3e905, 5);
   105  	ROUND2(DX,AX,BX,CX, 7,0xfcefa3f8, 9);
   106  	ROUND2(CX,DX,AX,BX,12,0x676f02d9,14);
   107  	ROUND2(BX,CX,DX,AX, 5,0x8d2a4c8a,20);
   109  	MOVL	CX,		R9
   111  // Uses https://github.com/animetosho/md5-optimisation#h-function-re-use
   113  #define ROUND3FIRST(a, b, c, d, index, const, shift) \
   114  	MOVL	d,		R9; \
   115  	XORL	c,		R9; \
   116  	XORL	b,		R9; \
   117  	ADDL	$const,	a; \
   118  	ADDL	R8,		a; \
   119  	MOVL	(index*4)(SI),R8; \
   120  	ADDL	R9,		a; \
   121  	ROLL	$shift,		a; \
   122  	ADDL	b,		a
   124  #define ROUND3(a, b, c, d, index, const, shift) \
   125  	XORL	a,		R9; \
   126  	XORL	b,		R9; \
   127  	ADDL	$const,	a; \
   128  	ADDL	R8,		a; \
   129  	MOVL	(index*4)(SI),R8; \
   130  	ADDL	R9,		a; \
   131  	ROLL	$shift,		a; \
   132  	ADDL	b,		a
   134  	ROUND3FIRST(AX,BX,CX,DX, 8,0xfffa3942, 4);
   135  	ROUND3(DX,AX,BX,CX,11,0x8771f681,11);
   136  	ROUND3(CX,DX,AX,BX,14,0x6d9d6122,16);
   137  	ROUND3(BX,CX,DX,AX, 1,0xfde5380c,23);
   138  	ROUND3(AX,BX,CX,DX, 4,0xa4beea44, 4);
   139  	ROUND3(DX,AX,BX,CX, 7,0x4bdecfa9,11);
   140  	ROUND3(CX,DX,AX,BX,10,0xf6bb4b60,16);
   141  	ROUND3(BX,CX,DX,AX,13,0xbebfbc70,23);
   142  	ROUND3(AX,BX,CX,DX, 0,0x289b7ec6, 4);
   143  	ROUND3(DX,AX,BX,CX, 3,0xeaa127fa,11);
   144  	ROUND3(CX,DX,AX,BX, 6,0xd4ef3085,16);
   145  	ROUND3(BX,CX,DX,AX, 9, 0x4881d05,23);
   146  	ROUND3(AX,BX,CX,DX,12,0xd9d4d039, 4);
   147  	ROUND3(DX,AX,BX,CX,15,0xe6db99e5,11);
   148  	ROUND3(CX,DX,AX,BX, 2,0x1fa27cf8,16);
   149  	ROUND3(BX,CX,DX,AX, 0,0xc4ac5665,23);
   151  	MOVL	R11,	R9
   152  	XORL	DX,		R9
   154  #define ROUND4(a, b, c, d, index, const, shift) \
   155  	ADDL	$const,	a; \
   156  	ADDL	R8,		a; \
   157  	ORL		b,		R9; \
   158  	XORL	c,		R9; \
   159  	ADDL	R9,		a; \
   160  	MOVL	(index*4)(SI),R8; \
   161  	MOVL	$0xffffffff,	R9; \
   162  	ROLL	$shift,		a; \
   163  	XORL	c,		R9; \
   164  	ADDL	b,		a
   166  	ROUND4(AX,BX,CX,DX, 7,0xf4292244, 6);
   167  	ROUND4(DX,AX,BX,CX,14,0x432aff97,10);
   168  	ROUND4(CX,DX,AX,BX, 5,0xab9423a7,15);
   169  	ROUND4(BX,CX,DX,AX,12,0xfc93a039,21);
   170  	ROUND4(AX,BX,CX,DX, 3,0x655b59c3, 6);
   171  	ROUND4(DX,AX,BX,CX,10,0x8f0ccc92,10);
   172  	ROUND4(CX,DX,AX,BX, 1,0xffeff47d,15);
   173  	ROUND4(BX,CX,DX,AX, 8,0x85845dd1,21);
   174  	ROUND4(AX,BX,CX,DX,15,0x6fa87e4f, 6);
   175  	ROUND4(DX,AX,BX,CX, 6,0xfe2ce6e0,10);
   176  	ROUND4(CX,DX,AX,BX,13,0xa3014314,15);
   177  	ROUND4(BX,CX,DX,AX, 4,0x4e0811a1,21);
   178  	ROUND4(AX,BX,CX,DX,11,0xf7537e82, 6);
   179  	ROUND4(DX,AX,BX,CX, 2,0xbd3af235,10);
   180  	ROUND4(CX,DX,AX,BX, 9,0x2ad7d2bb,15);
   181  	ROUND4(BX,CX,DX,AX, 0,0xeb86d391,21);
   183  	ADDL	R12,	AX
   184  	ADDL	R13,	BX
   185  	ADDL	R14,	CX
   186  	ADDL	R15,	DX
   188  	ADDQ	$64,		SI
   189  	CMPQ	SI,		DI
   190  	JB	loop
   192  end:
   193  	MOVL	AX,		(0*4)(BP)
   194  	MOVL	BX,		(1*4)(BP)
   195  	MOVL	CX,		(2*4)(BP)
   196  	MOVL	DX,		(3*4)(BP)
   197  	RET

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