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Testing concurrent code with testing/synctest

Damien Neil
19 February 2025

One of Go’s signature features is built-in support for concurrency. Goroutines and channels are simple and effective primitives for writing concurrent programs.

However, testing concurrent programs can be difficult and error prone.

In Go 1.24, we are introducing a new, experimental testing/synctest package to support testing concurrent code. This post will explain the motivation behind this experiment, demonstrate how to use the synctest package, and discuss its potential future.

In Go 1.24, the testing/synctest package is experimental and not subject to the Go compatibility promise. It is not visible by default. To use it, compile your code with GOEXPERIMENT=synctest set in your environment.

Testing concurrent programs is difficult

To begin with, let us consider a simple example.

The context.AfterFunc function arranges for a function to be called in its own goroutine after a context is canceled. Here is a possible test for AfterFunc:

func TestAfterFunc(t *testing.T) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

    calledCh := make(chan struct{}) // closed when AfterFunc is called
    context.AfterFunc(ctx, func() {

    // TODO: Assert that the AfterFunc has not been called.


    // TODO: Assert that the AfterFunc has been called.

We want to check two conditions in this test: The function is not called before the context is canceled, and the function is called after the context is canceled.

Checking a negative in a concurrent system is difficult. We can easily test that the function has not been called yet, but how do we check that it will not be called?

A common approach is to wait for some amount of time before concluding that an event will not happen. Let’s try introducing a helper function to our test which does this.

// funcCalled reports whether the function was called.
funcCalled := func() bool {
    select {
    case <-calledCh:
        return true
    case <-time.After(10 * time.Millisecond):
        return false

if funcCalled() {
    t.Fatalf("AfterFunc function called before context is canceled")


if !funcCalled() {
    t.Fatalf("AfterFunc function not called after context is canceled")

This test is slow: 10 milliseconds isn’t a lot of time, but it adds up over many tests.

This test is also flaky: 10 milliseconds is a long time on a fast computer, but it isn’t unusual to see pauses lasting several seconds on shared and overloaded CI systems.

We can make the test less flaky at the expense of making it slower, and we can make it less slow at the expense of making it flakier, but we can’t make it both fast and reliable.

Introducing the testing/synctest package

The testing/synctest package solves this problem. It allows us to rewrite this test to be simple, fast, and reliable, without any changes to the code being tested.

The package contains only two functions: Run and Wait.

Run calls a function in a new goroutine. This goroutine and any goroutines started by it exist in an isolated environment which we call a bubble. Wait waits for every goroutine in the current goroutine’s bubble to block on another goroutine in the bubble.

Let’s rewrite our test above using the testing/synctest package.

func TestAfterFunc(t *testing.T) {
    synctest.Run(func() {
        ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

        funcCalled := false
        context.AfterFunc(ctx, func() {
            funcCalled = true

        if funcCalled {
            t.Fatalf("AfterFunc function called before context is canceled")


        if !funcCalled {
            t.Fatalf("AfterFunc function not called after context is canceled")

This is almost identical to our original test, but we have wrapped the test in a synctest.Run call and we call synctest.Wait before asserting that the function has been called or not.

The Wait function waits for every goroutine in the caller’s bubble to block. When it returns, we know that the context package has either called the function, or will not call it until we take some further action.

This test is now both fast and reliable.

The test is simpler, too: we have replaced the calledCh channel with a boolean. Previously we needed to use a channel to avoid a data race between the test goroutine and the AfterFunc goroutine, but the Wait function now provides that synchronization.

The race detector understands Wait calls, and this test passes when run with -race. If we remove the second Wait call, the race detector will correctly report a data race in the test.

Testing time

Concurrent code often deals with time.

Testing code that works with time can be difficult. Using real time in tests causes slow and flaky tests, as we have seen above. Using fake time requires avoiding time package functions, and designing the code under test to work with an optional fake clock.

The testing/synctest package makes it simpler to test code that uses time.

Goroutines in the bubble started by Run use a fake clock. Within the bubble, functions in the time package operate on the fake clock. Time advances in the bubble when all goroutines are blocked.

To demonstrate, let’s write a test for the context.WithTimeout function. WithTimeout creates a child of a context, which expires after a given timeout.

func TestWithTimeout(t *testing.T) {
    synctest.Run(func() {
        const timeout = 5 * time.Second
        ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
        defer cancel()

        // Wait just less than the timeout.
        time.Sleep(timeout - time.Nanosecond)
        if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
            t.Fatalf("before timeout, ctx.Err() = %v; want nil", err)

        // Wait the rest of the way until the timeout.
        if err := ctx.Err(); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
            t.Fatalf("after timeout, ctx.Err() = %v; want DeadlineExceeded", err)

We write this test just as if we were working with real time. The only difference is that we wrap the test function in synctest.Run, and call synctest.Wait after each time.Sleep call to wait for the context package’s timers to finish running.

Blocking and the bubble

A key concept in testing/synctest is the bubble becoming durably blocked. This happens when every goroutine in the bubble is blocked, and can only be unblocked by another goroutine in the bubble.

When a bubble is durably blocked:

  • If there is an outstanding Wait call, it returns.
  • Otherwise, time advances to the next time that could unblock a goroutine, if any.
  • Otherwise, the bubble is deadlocked and Run panics.

A bubble is not durably blocked if any goroutine is blocked but might be woken by some event from outside the bubble.

The complete list of operations which durably block a goroutine is:

  • a send or receive on a nil channel
  • a send or receive blocked on a channel created within the same bubble
  • a select statement where every case is durably blocking
  • time.Sleep
  • sync.Cond.Wait
  • sync.WaitGroup.Wait


Operations on a sync.Mutex are not durably blocking.

It is common for functions to acquire a global mutex. For example, a number of functions in the reflect package use a global cache guarded by a mutex. If a goroutine in a synctest bubble blocks while acquiring a mutex held by a goroutine outside the bubble, it is not durably blocked—it is blocked, but will be unblocked by a goroutine from outside its bubble.

Since mutexes are usually not held for long periods of time, we simply exclude them from testing/synctest’s consideration.


Channels created within a bubble behave differently from ones created outside.

Channel operations are durably blocking only if the channel is bubbled (created in the bubble). Operating on a bubbled channel from outside the bubble panics.

These rules ensure that a goroutine is durably blocked only when communicating with goroutines within its bubble.


External I/O operations, such as reading from a network connection, are not durably blocking.

Network reads may be unblocked by writes from outside the bubble, possibly even from other processes. Even if the only writer to a network connection is also in the same bubble, the runtime cannot distinguish between a connection waiting for more data to arrive and one where the kernel has received data and is in the process of delivering it.

Testing a network server or client with synctest will generally require supplying a fake network implementation. For example, the net.Pipe function creates a pair of net.Conns that use an in-memory network connection and can be used in synctest tests.

Bubble lifetime

The Run function starts a goroutine in a new bubble. It returns when every goroutine in the bubble has exited. It panics if the bubble is durably blocked and cannot be unblocked by advancing time.

The requirement that every goroutine in the bubble exit before Run returns means that tests must be careful to clean up any background goroutines before completing.

Testing networked code

Let’s look at another example, this time using the testing/synctest package to test a networked program. For this example, we’ll test the net/http package’s handling of the 100 Continue response.

An HTTP client sending a request can include an “Expect: 100-continue” header to tell the server that the client has additional data to send. The server may then respond with a 100 Continue informational response to request the rest of the request, or with some other status to tell the client that the content is not needed. For example, a client uploading a large file might use this feature to confirm that the server is willing to accept the file before sending it.

Our test will confirm that when sending an “Expect: 100-continue” header the HTTP client does not send a request’s content before the server requests it, and that it does send the content after receiving a 100 Continue response.

Often tests of a communicating client and server can use a loopback network connection. When working with testing/synctest, however, we will usually want to use a fake network connection to allow us to detect when all goroutines are blocked on the network. We’ll start this test by creating an http.Transport (an HTTP client) that uses an in-memory network connection created by net.Pipe.

func Test(t *testing.T) {
    synctest.Run(func() {
        srvConn, cliConn := net.Pipe()
        defer srvConn.Close()
        defer cliConn.Close()
        tr := &http.Transport{
            DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
                return cliConn, nil
            // Setting a non-zero timeout enables "Expect: 100-continue" handling.
            // Since the following test does not sleep,
            // we will never encounter this timeout,
            // even if the test takes a long time to run on a slow machine.
            ExpectContinueTimeout: 5 * time.Second,

We send a request on this transport with the “Expect: 100-continue” header set. The request is sent in a new goroutine, since it won’t complete until the end of the test.

        body := "request body"
        go func() {
            req, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", "http://test.tld/", strings.NewReader(body))
            req.Header.Set("Expect", "100-continue")
            resp, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
            if err != nil {
                t.Errorf("RoundTrip: unexpected error %v", err)
            } else {

We read the request headers sent by the client.

        req, err := http.ReadRequest(bufio.NewReader(srvConn))
        if err != nil {
            t.Fatalf("ReadRequest: %v", err)

Now we come to the heart of the test. We want to assert that the client will not send the request body yet.

We start a new goroutine copying the body sent to the server into a strings.Builder, wait for all goroutines in the bubble to block, and verify that we haven’t read anything from the body yet.

If we forget the synctest.Wait call, the race detector will correctly complain about a data race, but with the Wait this is safe.

        var gotBody strings.Builder
        go io.Copy(&gotBody, req.Body)
        if got := gotBody.String(); got != "" {
            t.Fatalf("before sending 100 Continue, unexpectedly read body: %q", got)

We write a “100 Continue” response to the client and verify that it now sends the request body.

        srvConn.Write([]byte("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"))
        if got := gotBody.String(); got != body {
            t.Fatalf("after sending 100 Continue, read body %q, want %q", got, body)

And finally, we finish up by sending the “200 OK” response to conclude the request.

We have started several goroutines during this test. The synctest.Run call will wait for all of them to exit before returning.

        srvConn.Write([]byte("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n"))

This test can be easily extended to test other behaviors, such as verifying that the request body is not sent if the server does not ask for it, or that it is sent if the server does not respond within a timeout.

Status of the experiment

We are introducing testing/synctest in Go 1.24 as an experimental package. Depending on feedback and experience we may release it with or without amendments, continue the experiment, or remove it in a future version of Go.

The package is not visible by default. To use it, compile your code with GOEXPERIMENT=synctest set in your environment.

We want to hear your feedback! If you try out testing/synctest, please report your experiences, positive or negative, on

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