Source file src/cmd/go/internal/modload/init.go

     1  // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package modload
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"context"
    10  	"encoding/json"
    11  	"errors"
    12  	"fmt"
    13  	"internal/godebugs"
    14  	"internal/lazyregexp"
    15  	"io"
    16  	"os"
    17  	"path"
    18  	"path/filepath"
    19  	"slices"
    20  	"strconv"
    21  	"strings"
    22  	"sync"
    24  	"cmd/go/internal/base"
    25  	"cmd/go/internal/cfg"
    26  	"cmd/go/internal/fsys"
    27  	"cmd/go/internal/gover"
    28  	"cmd/go/internal/lockedfile"
    29  	"cmd/go/internal/modfetch"
    30  	"cmd/go/internal/search"
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  )
    36  // Variables set by other packages.
    37  //
    38  // TODO(#40775): See if these can be plumbed as explicit parameters.
    39  var (
    40  	// RootMode determines whether a module root is needed.
    41  	RootMode Root
    43  	// ForceUseModules may be set to force modules to be enabled when
    44  	// GO111MODULE=auto or to report an error when GO111MODULE=off.
    45  	ForceUseModules bool
    47  	allowMissingModuleImports bool
    49  	// ExplicitWriteGoMod prevents LoadPackages, ListModules, and other functions
    50  	// from updating go.mod and go.sum or reporting errors when updates are
    51  	// needed. A package should set this if it would cause go.mod to be written
    52  	// multiple times (for example, 'go get' calls LoadPackages multiple times) or
    53  	// if it needs some other operation to be successful before go.mod and go.sum
    54  	// can be written (for example, 'go mod download' must download modules before
    55  	// adding sums to go.sum). Packages that set this are responsible for calling
    56  	// WriteGoMod explicitly.
    57  	ExplicitWriteGoMod bool
    58  )
    60  // Variables set in Init.
    61  var (
    62  	initialized bool
    64  	// These are primarily used to initialize the MainModules, and should be
    65  	// eventually superseded by them but are still used in cases where the module
    66  	// roots are required but MainModules hasn't been initialized yet. Set to
    67  	// the modRoots of the main modules.
    68  	// modRoots != nil implies len(modRoots) > 0
    69  	modRoots []string
    70  	gopath   string
    71  )
    73  // EnterModule resets MainModules and requirements to refer to just this one module.
    74  func EnterModule(ctx context.Context, enterModroot string) {
    75  	MainModules = nil // reset MainModules
    76  	requirements = nil
    77  	workFilePath = "" // Force module mode
    78  	modfetch.Reset()
    80  	modRoots = []string{enterModroot}
    81  	LoadModFile(ctx)
    82  }
    84  // Variable set in InitWorkfile
    85  var (
    86  	// Set to the path to the file, or "" if workspace mode is disabled.
    87  	workFilePath string
    88  )
    90  type MainModuleSet struct {
    91  	// versions are the module.Version values of each of the main modules.
    92  	// For each of them, the Path fields are ordinary module paths and the Version
    93  	// fields are empty strings.
    94  	// versions is clipped (len=cap).
    95  	versions []module.Version
    97  	// modRoot maps each module in versions to its absolute filesystem path.
    98  	modRoot map[module.Version]string
   100  	// pathPrefix is the path prefix for packages in the module, without a trailing
   101  	// slash. For most modules, pathPrefix is just version.Path, but the
   102  	// standard-library module "std" has an empty prefix.
   103  	pathPrefix map[module.Version]string
   105  	// inGorootSrc caches whether modRoot is within GOROOT/src.
   106  	// The "std" module is special within GOROOT/src, but not otherwise.
   107  	inGorootSrc map[module.Version]bool
   109  	modFiles map[module.Version]*modfile.File
   111  	tools map[string]bool
   113  	modContainingCWD module.Version
   115  	workFile *modfile.WorkFile
   117  	workFileReplaceMap map[module.Version]module.Version
   118  	// highest replaced version of each module path; empty string for wildcard-only replacements
   119  	highestReplaced map[string]string
   121  	indexMu sync.Mutex
   122  	indices map[module.Version]*modFileIndex
   123  }
   125  func (mms *MainModuleSet) PathPrefix(m module.Version) string {
   126  	return mms.pathPrefix[m]
   127  }
   129  // Versions returns the module.Version values of each of the main modules.
   130  // For each of them, the Path fields are ordinary module paths and the Version
   131  // fields are empty strings.
   132  // Callers should not modify the returned slice.
   133  func (mms *MainModuleSet) Versions() []module.Version {
   134  	if mms == nil {
   135  		return nil
   136  	}
   137  	return mms.versions
   138  }
   140  // Tools returns the tools defined by all the main modules.
   141  // The key is the absolute package path of the tool.
   142  func (mms *MainModuleSet) Tools() map[string]bool {
   143  	if mms == nil {
   144  		return nil
   145  	}
   146  	return
   147  }
   149  func (mms *MainModuleSet) Contains(path string) bool {
   150  	if mms == nil {
   151  		return false
   152  	}
   153  	for _, v := range mms.versions {
   154  		if v.Path == path {
   155  			return true
   156  		}
   157  	}
   158  	return false
   159  }
   161  func (mms *MainModuleSet) ModRoot(m module.Version) string {
   162  	if mms == nil {
   163  		return ""
   164  	}
   165  	return mms.modRoot[m]
   166  }
   168  func (mms *MainModuleSet) InGorootSrc(m module.Version) bool {
   169  	if mms == nil {
   170  		return false
   171  	}
   172  	return mms.inGorootSrc[m]
   173  }
   175  func (mms *MainModuleSet) mustGetSingleMainModule() module.Version {
   176  	if mms == nil || len(mms.versions) == 0 {
   177  		panic("internal error: mustGetSingleMainModule called in context with no main modules")
   178  	}
   179  	if len(mms.versions) != 1 {
   180  		if inWorkspaceMode() {
   181  			panic("internal error: mustGetSingleMainModule called in workspace mode")
   182  		} else {
   183  			panic("internal error: multiple main modules present outside of workspace mode")
   184  		}
   185  	}
   186  	return mms.versions[0]
   187  }
   189  func (mms *MainModuleSet) GetSingleIndexOrNil() *modFileIndex {
   190  	if mms == nil {
   191  		return nil
   192  	}
   193  	if len(mms.versions) == 0 {
   194  		return nil
   195  	}
   196  	return mms.indices[mms.mustGetSingleMainModule()]
   197  }
   199  func (mms *MainModuleSet) Index(m module.Version) *modFileIndex {
   200  	mms.indexMu.Lock()
   201  	defer mms.indexMu.Unlock()
   202  	return mms.indices[m]
   203  }
   205  func (mms *MainModuleSet) SetIndex(m module.Version, index *modFileIndex) {
   206  	mms.indexMu.Lock()
   207  	defer mms.indexMu.Unlock()
   208  	mms.indices[m] = index
   209  }
   211  func (mms *MainModuleSet) ModFile(m module.Version) *modfile.File {
   212  	return mms.modFiles[m]
   213  }
   215  func (mms *MainModuleSet) WorkFile() *modfile.WorkFile {
   216  	return mms.workFile
   217  }
   219  func (mms *MainModuleSet) Len() int {
   220  	if mms == nil {
   221  		return 0
   222  	}
   223  	return len(mms.versions)
   224  }
   226  // ModContainingCWD returns the main module containing the working directory,
   227  // or module.Version{} if none of the main modules contain the working
   228  // directory.
   229  func (mms *MainModuleSet) ModContainingCWD() module.Version {
   230  	return mms.modContainingCWD
   231  }
   233  func (mms *MainModuleSet) HighestReplaced() map[string]string {
   234  	return mms.highestReplaced
   235  }
   237  // GoVersion returns the go version set on the single module, in module mode,
   238  // or the file in workspace mode.
   239  func (mms *MainModuleSet) GoVersion() string {
   240  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
   241  		return gover.FromGoWork(mms.workFile)
   242  	}
   243  	if mms != nil && len(mms.versions) == 1 {
   244  		f := mms.ModFile(mms.mustGetSingleMainModule())
   245  		if f == nil {
   246  			// Special case: we are outside a module, like 'go run x.go'.
   247  			// Assume the local Go version.
   248  			// TODO(#49228): Clean this up; see loadModFile.
   249  			return gover.Local()
   250  		}
   251  		return gover.FromGoMod(f)
   252  	}
   253  	return gover.DefaultGoModVersion
   254  }
   256  // Godebugs returns the godebug lines set on the single module, in module mode,
   257  // or on the file in workspace mode.
   258  // The caller must not modify the result.
   259  func (mms *MainModuleSet) Godebugs() []*modfile.Godebug {
   260  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
   261  		if mms.workFile != nil {
   262  			return mms.workFile.Godebug
   263  		}
   264  		return nil
   265  	}
   266  	if mms != nil && len(mms.versions) == 1 {
   267  		f := mms.ModFile(mms.mustGetSingleMainModule())
   268  		if f == nil {
   269  			// Special case: we are outside a module, like 'go run x.go'.
   270  			return nil
   271  		}
   272  		return f.Godebug
   273  	}
   274  	return nil
   275  }
   277  // Toolchain returns the toolchain set on the single module, in module mode,
   278  // or the file in workspace mode.
   279  func (mms *MainModuleSet) Toolchain() string {
   280  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
   281  		if mms.workFile != nil && mms.workFile.Toolchain != nil {
   282  			return mms.workFile.Toolchain.Name
   283  		}
   284  		return "go" + mms.GoVersion()
   285  	}
   286  	if mms != nil && len(mms.versions) == 1 {
   287  		f := mms.ModFile(mms.mustGetSingleMainModule())
   288  		if f == nil {
   289  			// Special case: we are outside a module, like 'go run x.go'.
   290  			// Assume the local Go version.
   291  			// TODO(#49228): Clean this up; see loadModFile.
   292  			return gover.LocalToolchain()
   293  		}
   294  		if f.Toolchain != nil {
   295  			return f.Toolchain.Name
   296  		}
   297  	}
   298  	return "go" + mms.GoVersion()
   299  }
   301  func (mms *MainModuleSet) WorkFileReplaceMap() map[module.Version]module.Version {
   302  	return mms.workFileReplaceMap
   303  }
   305  var MainModules *MainModuleSet
   307  type Root int
   309  const (
   310  	// AutoRoot is the default for most commands. modload.Init will look for
   311  	// a go.mod file in the current directory or any parent. If none is found,
   312  	// modules may be disabled (GO111MODULE=auto) or commands may run in a
   313  	// limited module mode.
   314  	AutoRoot Root = iota
   316  	// NoRoot is used for commands that run in module mode and ignore any go.mod
   317  	// file the current directory or in parent directories.
   318  	NoRoot
   320  	// NeedRoot is used for commands that must run in module mode and don't
   321  	// make sense without a main module.
   322  	NeedRoot
   323  )
   325  // ModFile returns the parsed go.mod file.
   326  //
   327  // Note that after calling LoadPackages or LoadModGraph,
   328  // the require statements in the modfile.File are no longer
   329  // the source of truth and will be ignored: edits made directly
   330  // will be lost at the next call to WriteGoMod.
   331  // To make permanent changes to the require statements
   332  // in go.mod, edit it before loading.
   333  func ModFile() *modfile.File {
   334  	Init()
   335  	modFile := MainModules.ModFile(MainModules.mustGetSingleMainModule())
   336  	if modFile == nil {
   337  		die()
   338  	}
   339  	return modFile
   340  }
   342  func BinDir() string {
   343  	Init()
   344  	if cfg.GOBIN != "" {
   345  		return cfg.GOBIN
   346  	}
   347  	if gopath == "" {
   348  		return ""
   349  	}
   350  	return filepath.Join(gopath, "bin")
   351  }
   353  // InitWorkfile initializes the workFilePath variable for commands that
   354  // operate in workspace mode. It should not be called by other commands,
   355  // for example 'go mod tidy', that don't operate in workspace mode.
   356  func InitWorkfile() {
   357  	// Initialize fsys early because we need overlay to read file.
   358  	if err := fsys.Init(base.Cwd()); err != nil {
   359  		base.Fatal(err)
   360  	}
   361  	workFilePath = FindGoWork(base.Cwd())
   362  }
   364  // FindGoWork returns the name of the file for this command,
   365  // or the empty string if there isn't one.
   366  // Most code should use Init and Enabled rather than use this directly.
   367  // It is exported mainly for Go toolchain switching, which must process
   368  // the very early at startup.
   369  func FindGoWork(wd string) string {
   370  	if RootMode == NoRoot {
   371  		return ""
   372  	}
   374  	switch gowork := cfg.Getenv("GOWORK"); gowork {
   375  	case "off":
   376  		return ""
   377  	case "", "auto":
   378  		return findWorkspaceFile(wd)
   379  	default:
   380  		if !filepath.IsAbs(gowork) {
   381  			base.Fatalf("go: invalid GOWORK: not an absolute path")
   382  		}
   383  		return gowork
   384  	}
   385  }
   387  // WorkFilePath returns the absolute path of the file, or "" if not in
   388  // workspace mode. WorkFilePath must be called after InitWorkfile.
   389  func WorkFilePath() string {
   390  	return workFilePath
   391  }
   393  // Reset clears all the initialized, cached state about the use of modules,
   394  // so that we can start over.
   395  func Reset() {
   396  	initialized = false
   397  	ForceUseModules = false
   398  	RootMode = 0
   399  	modRoots = nil
   400  	cfg.ModulesEnabled = false
   401  	MainModules = nil
   402  	requirements = nil
   403  	workFilePath = ""
   404  	modfetch.Reset()
   405  }
   407  // Init determines whether module mode is enabled, locates the root of the
   408  // current module (if any), sets environment variables for Git subprocesses, and
   409  // configures the cfg, codehost, load, modfetch, and search packages for use
   410  // with modules.
   411  func Init() {
   412  	if initialized {
   413  		return
   414  	}
   415  	initialized = true
   417  	// Keep in sync with WillBeEnabled. We perform extra validation here, and
   418  	// there are lots of diagnostics and side effects, so we can't use
   419  	// WillBeEnabled directly.
   420  	var mustUseModules bool
   421  	env := cfg.Getenv("GO111MODULE")
   422  	switch env {
   423  	default:
   424  		base.Fatalf("go: unknown environment setting GO111MODULE=%s", env)
   425  	case "auto":
   426  		mustUseModules = ForceUseModules
   427  	case "on", "":
   428  		mustUseModules = true
   429  	case "off":
   430  		if ForceUseModules {
   431  			base.Fatalf("go: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=off; see 'go help modules'")
   432  		}
   433  		mustUseModules = false
   434  		return
   435  	}
   437  	if err := fsys.Init(base.Cwd()); err != nil {
   438  		base.Fatal(err)
   439  	}
   441  	// Disable any prompting for passwords by Git.
   442  	// Only has an effect for 2.3.0 or later, but avoiding
   443  	// the prompt in earlier versions is just too hard.
   444  	// If user has explicitly set GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=1, keep
   445  	// prompting.
   446  	// See and
   447  	if os.Getenv("GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT") == "" {
   448  		os.Setenv("GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT", "0")
   449  	}
   451  	// Disable any ssh connection pooling by Git.
   452  	// If a Git subprocess forks a child into the background to cache a new connection,
   453  	// that child keeps stdout/stderr open. After the Git subprocess exits,
   454  	// os/exec expects to be able to read from the stdout/stderr pipe
   455  	// until EOF to get all the data that the Git subprocess wrote before exiting.
   456  	// The EOF doesn't come until the child exits too, because the child
   457  	// is holding the write end of the pipe.
   458  	// This is unfortunate, but it has come up at least twice
   459  	// (see and
   460  	// and confuses users when it does.
   461  	// If the user has explicitly set GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND,
   462  	// assume they know what they are doing and don't step on it.
   463  	// But default to turning off ControlMaster.
   464  	if os.Getenv("GIT_SSH") == "" && os.Getenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND") == "" {
   465  		os.Setenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", "ssh -o ControlMaster=no -o BatchMode=yes")
   466  	}
   468  	if os.Getenv("GCM_INTERACTIVE") == "" {
   469  		os.Setenv("GCM_INTERACTIVE", "never")
   470  	}
   471  	if modRoots != nil {
   472  		// modRoot set before Init was called ("go mod init" does this).
   473  		// No need to search for go.mod.
   474  	} else if RootMode == NoRoot {
   475  		if cfg.ModFile != "" && !base.InGOFLAGS("-modfile") {
   476  			base.Fatalf("go: -modfile cannot be used with commands that ignore the current module")
   477  		}
   478  		modRoots = nil
   479  	} else if workFilePath != "" {
   480  		// We're in workspace mode, which implies module mode.
   481  		if cfg.ModFile != "" {
   482  			base.Fatalf("go: -modfile cannot be used in workspace mode")
   483  		}
   484  	} else {
   485  		if modRoot := findModuleRoot(base.Cwd()); modRoot == "" {
   486  			if cfg.ModFile != "" {
   487  				base.Fatalf("go: cannot find main module, but -modfile was set.\n\t-modfile cannot be used to set the module root directory.")
   488  			}
   489  			if RootMode == NeedRoot {
   490  				base.Fatal(ErrNoModRoot)
   491  			}
   492  			if !mustUseModules {
   493  				// GO111MODULE is 'auto', and we can't find a module root.
   494  				// Stay in GOPATH mode.
   495  				return
   496  			}
   497  		} else if search.InDir(modRoot, os.TempDir()) == "." {
   498  			// If you create /tmp/go.mod for experimenting,
   499  			// then any tests that create work directories under /tmp
   500  			// will find it and get modules when they're not expecting them.
   501  			// It's a bit of a peculiar thing to disallow but quite mysterious
   502  			// when it happens. See
   503  			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: warning: ignoring go.mod in system temp root %v\n", os.TempDir())
   504  			if RootMode == NeedRoot {
   505  				base.Fatal(ErrNoModRoot)
   506  			}
   507  			if !mustUseModules {
   508  				return
   509  			}
   510  		} else {
   511  			modRoots = []string{modRoot}
   512  		}
   513  	}
   514  	if cfg.ModFile != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(cfg.ModFile, ".mod") {
   515  		base.Fatalf("go: -modfile=%s: file does not have .mod extension", cfg.ModFile)
   516  	}
   518  	// We're in module mode. Set any global variables that need to be set.
   519  	cfg.ModulesEnabled = true
   520  	setDefaultBuildMod()
   521  	list := filepath.SplitList(cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH)
   522  	if len(list) > 0 && list[0] != "" {
   523  		gopath = list[0]
   524  		if _, err := fsys.Stat(filepath.Join(gopath, "go.mod")); err == nil {
   525  			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: warning: ignoring go.mod in $GOPATH %v\n", gopath)
   526  			if RootMode == NeedRoot {
   527  				base.Fatal(ErrNoModRoot)
   528  			}
   529  			if !mustUseModules {
   530  				return
   531  			}
   532  		}
   533  	}
   534  }
   536  // WillBeEnabled checks whether modules should be enabled but does not
   537  // initialize modules by installing hooks. If Init has already been called,
   538  // WillBeEnabled returns the same result as Enabled.
   539  //
   540  // This function is needed to break a cycle. The main package needs to know
   541  // whether modules are enabled in order to install the module or GOPATH version
   542  // of 'go get', but Init reads the -modfile flag in 'go get', so it shouldn't
   543  // be called until the command is installed and flags are parsed. Instead of
   544  // calling Init and Enabled, the main package can call this function.
   545  func WillBeEnabled() bool {
   546  	if modRoots != nil || cfg.ModulesEnabled {
   547  		// Already enabled.
   548  		return true
   549  	}
   550  	if initialized {
   551  		// Initialized, not enabled.
   552  		return false
   553  	}
   555  	// Keep in sync with Init. Init does extra validation and prints warnings or
   556  	// exits, so it can't call this function directly.
   557  	env := cfg.Getenv("GO111MODULE")
   558  	switch env {
   559  	case "on", "":
   560  		return true
   561  	case "auto":
   562  		break
   563  	default:
   564  		return false
   565  	}
   567  	return FindGoMod(base.Cwd()) != ""
   568  }
   570  // FindGoMod returns the name of the go.mod file for this command,
   571  // or the empty string if there isn't one.
   572  // Most code should use Init and Enabled rather than use this directly.
   573  // It is exported mainly for Go toolchain switching, which must process
   574  // the go.mod very early at startup.
   575  func FindGoMod(wd string) string {
   576  	modRoot := findModuleRoot(wd)
   577  	if modRoot == "" {
   578  		// GO111MODULE is 'auto', and we can't find a module root.
   579  		// Stay in GOPATH mode.
   580  		return ""
   581  	}
   582  	if search.InDir(modRoot, os.TempDir()) == "." {
   583  		// If you create /tmp/go.mod for experimenting,
   584  		// then any tests that create work directories under /tmp
   585  		// will find it and get modules when they're not expecting them.
   586  		// It's a bit of a peculiar thing to disallow but quite mysterious
   587  		// when it happens. See
   588  		return ""
   589  	}
   590  	return filepath.Join(modRoot, "go.mod")
   591  }
   593  // Enabled reports whether modules are (or must be) enabled.
   594  // If modules are enabled but there is no main module, Enabled returns true
   595  // and then the first use of module information will call die
   596  // (usually through MustModRoot).
   597  func Enabled() bool {
   598  	Init()
   599  	return modRoots != nil || cfg.ModulesEnabled
   600  }
   602  func VendorDir() string {
   603  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
   604  		return filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(WorkFilePath()), "vendor")
   605  	}
   606  	// Even if -mod=vendor, we could be operating with no mod root (and thus no
   607  	// vendor directory). As long as there are no dependencies that is expected
   608  	// to work. See script/vendor_outside_module.txt.
   609  	modRoot := MainModules.ModRoot(MainModules.mustGetSingleMainModule())
   610  	if modRoot == "" {
   611  		panic("vendor directory does not exist when in single module mode outside of a module")
   612  	}
   613  	return filepath.Join(modRoot, "vendor")
   614  }
   616  func inWorkspaceMode() bool {
   617  	if !initialized {
   618  		panic("inWorkspaceMode called before modload.Init called")
   619  	}
   620  	if !Enabled() {
   621  		return false
   622  	}
   623  	return workFilePath != ""
   624  }
   626  // HasModRoot reports whether a main module is present.
   627  // HasModRoot may return false even if Enabled returns true: for example, 'get'
   628  // does not require a main module.
   629  func HasModRoot() bool {
   630  	Init()
   631  	return modRoots != nil
   632  }
   634  // MustHaveModRoot checks that a main module or main modules are present,
   635  // and calls base.Fatalf if there are no main modules.
   636  func MustHaveModRoot() {
   637  	Init()
   638  	if !HasModRoot() {
   639  		die()
   640  	}
   641  }
   643  // ModFilePath returns the path that would be used for the go.mod
   644  // file, if in module mode. ModFilePath calls base.Fatalf if there is no main
   645  // module, even if -modfile is set.
   646  func ModFilePath() string {
   647  	MustHaveModRoot()
   648  	return modFilePath(findModuleRoot(base.Cwd()))
   649  }
   651  func modFilePath(modRoot string) string {
   652  	if cfg.ModFile != "" {
   653  		return cfg.ModFile
   654  	}
   655  	return filepath.Join(modRoot, "go.mod")
   656  }
   658  func die() {
   659  	if cfg.Getenv("GO111MODULE") == "off" {
   660  		base.Fatalf("go: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=off; see 'go help modules'")
   661  	}
   662  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
   663  		base.Fatalf("go: no modules were found in the current workspace; see 'go help work'")
   664  	}
   665  	if dir, name := findAltConfig(base.Cwd()); dir != "" {
   666  		rel, err := filepath.Rel(base.Cwd(), dir)
   667  		if err != nil {
   668  			rel = dir
   669  		}
   670  		cdCmd := ""
   671  		if rel != "." {
   672  			cdCmd = fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && ", rel)
   673  		}
   674  		base.Fatalf("go: cannot find main module, but found %s in %s\n\tto create a module there, run:\n\t%sgo mod init", name, dir, cdCmd)
   675  	}
   676  	base.Fatal(ErrNoModRoot)
   677  }
   679  var ErrNoModRoot = errors.New("go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory; see 'go help modules'")
   681  type goModDirtyError struct{}
   683  func (goModDirtyError) Error() string {
   684  	if cfg.BuildModExplicit {
   685  		return fmt.Sprintf("updates to go.mod needed, disabled by -mod=%v; to update it:\n\tgo mod tidy", cfg.BuildMod)
   686  	}
   687  	if cfg.BuildModReason != "" {
   688  		return fmt.Sprintf("updates to go.mod needed, disabled by -mod=%s\n\t(%s)\n\tto update it:\n\tgo mod tidy", cfg.BuildMod, cfg.BuildModReason)
   689  	}
   690  	return "updates to go.mod needed; to update it:\n\tgo mod tidy"
   691  }
   693  var errGoModDirty error = goModDirtyError{}
   695  func loadWorkFile(path string) (workFile *modfile.WorkFile, modRoots []string, err error) {
   696  	workDir := filepath.Dir(path)
   697  	wf, err := ReadWorkFile(path)
   698  	if err != nil {
   699  		return nil, nil, err
   700  	}
   701  	seen := map[string]bool{}
   702  	for _, d := range wf.Use {
   703  		modRoot := d.Path
   704  		if !filepath.IsAbs(modRoot) {
   705  			modRoot = filepath.Join(workDir, modRoot)
   706  		}
   708  		if seen[modRoot] {
   709  			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading\n%s:%d: path %s appears multiple times in workspace", base.ShortPath(path), d.Syntax.Start.Line, modRoot)
   710  		}
   711  		seen[modRoot] = true
   712  		modRoots = append(modRoots, modRoot)
   713  	}
   715  	for _, g := range wf.Godebug {
   716  		if err := CheckGodebug("godebug", g.Key, g.Value); err != nil {
   717  			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading\n%s:%d: %w", base.ShortPath(path), g.Syntax.Start.Line, err)
   718  		}
   719  	}
   721  	return wf, modRoots, nil
   722  }
   724  // ReadWorkFile reads and parses the file at the given path.
   725  func ReadWorkFile(path string) (*modfile.WorkFile, error) {
   726  	path = base.ShortPath(path) // use short path in any errors
   727  	workData, err := fsys.ReadFile(path)
   728  	if err != nil {
   729  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading %w", err)
   730  	}
   732  	f, err := modfile.ParseWork(path, workData, nil)
   733  	if err != nil {
   734  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("errors parsing\n%w", err)
   735  	}
   736  	if f.Go != nil && gover.Compare(f.Go.Version, gover.Local()) > 0 && cfg.CmdName != "work edit" {
   737  		base.Fatal(&gover.TooNewError{What: base.ShortPath(path), GoVersion: f.Go.Version})
   738  	}
   739  	return f, nil
   740  }
   742  // WriteWorkFile cleans and writes out the file to the given path.
   743  func WriteWorkFile(path string, wf *modfile.WorkFile) error {
   744  	wf.SortBlocks()
   745  	wf.Cleanup()
   746  	out := modfile.Format(wf.Syntax)
   748  	return os.WriteFile(path, out, 0666)
   749  }
   751  // UpdateWorkGoVersion updates the go line in wf to be at least goVers,
   752  // reporting whether it changed the file.
   753  func UpdateWorkGoVersion(wf *modfile.WorkFile, goVers string) (changed bool) {
   754  	old := gover.FromGoWork(wf)
   755  	if gover.Compare(old, goVers) >= 0 {
   756  		return false
   757  	}
   759  	wf.AddGoStmt(goVers)
   761  	// We wrote a new go line. For reproducibility,
   762  	// if the toolchain running right now is newer than the new toolchain line,
   763  	// update the toolchain line to record the newer toolchain.
   764  	// The user never sets the toolchain explicitly in a 'go work' command,
   765  	// so this is only happening as a result of a go or toolchain line found
   766  	// in a module.
   767  	// If the toolchain running right now is a dev toolchain (like "go1.21")
   768  	// writing 'toolchain go1.21' will not be useful, since that's not an actual
   769  	// toolchain you can download and run. In that case fall back to at least
   770  	// checking that the toolchain is new enough for the Go version.
   771  	toolchain := "go" + old
   772  	if wf.Toolchain != nil {
   773  		toolchain = wf.Toolchain.Name
   774  	}
   775  	if gover.IsLang(gover.Local()) {
   776  		toolchain = gover.ToolchainMax(toolchain, "go"+goVers)
   777  	} else {
   778  		toolchain = gover.ToolchainMax(toolchain, "go"+gover.Local())
   779  	}
   781  	// Drop the toolchain line if it is implied by the go line
   782  	// or if it is asking for a toolchain older than Go 1.21,
   783  	// which will not understand the toolchain line.
   784  	if toolchain == "go"+goVers || gover.Compare(gover.FromToolchain(toolchain), gover.GoStrictVersion) < 0 {
   785  		wf.DropToolchainStmt()
   786  	} else {
   787  		wf.AddToolchainStmt(toolchain)
   788  	}
   789  	return true
   790  }
   792  // UpdateWorkFile updates comments on directory directives in the
   793  // file to include the associated module path.
   794  func UpdateWorkFile(wf *modfile.WorkFile) {
   795  	missingModulePaths := map[string]string{} // module directory listed in file -> abspath modroot
   797  	for _, d := range wf.Use {
   798  		if d.Path == "" {
   799  			continue // d is marked for deletion.
   800  		}
   801  		modRoot := d.Path
   802  		if d.ModulePath == "" {
   803  			missingModulePaths[d.Path] = modRoot
   804  		}
   805  	}
   807  	// Clean up and annotate directories.
   808  	// TODO(matloob): update x/mod to actually add module paths.
   809  	for moddir, absmodroot := range missingModulePaths {
   810  		_, f, err := ReadModFile(filepath.Join(absmodroot, "go.mod"), nil)
   811  		if err != nil {
   812  			continue // Error will be reported if modules are loaded.
   813  		}
   814  		wf.AddUse(moddir, f.Module.Mod.Path)
   815  	}
   816  }
   818  // LoadModFile sets Target and, if there is a main module, parses the initial
   819  // build list from its go.mod file.
   820  //
   821  // LoadModFile may make changes in memory, like adding a go directive and
   822  // ensuring requirements are consistent. The caller is responsible for ensuring
   823  // those changes are written to disk by calling LoadPackages or ListModules
   824  // (unless ExplicitWriteGoMod is set) or by calling WriteGoMod directly.
   825  //
   826  // As a side-effect, LoadModFile may change cfg.BuildMod to "vendor" if
   827  // -mod wasn't set explicitly and automatic vendoring should be enabled.
   828  //
   829  // If LoadModFile or CreateModFile has already been called, LoadModFile returns
   830  // the existing in-memory requirements (rather than re-reading them from disk).
   831  //
   832  // LoadModFile checks the roots of the module graph for consistency with each
   833  // other, but unlike LoadModGraph does not load the full module graph or check
   834  // it for global consistency. Most callers outside of the modload package should
   835  // use LoadModGraph instead.
   836  func LoadModFile(ctx context.Context) *Requirements {
   837  	rs, err := loadModFile(ctx, nil)
   838  	if err != nil {
   839  		base.Fatal(err)
   840  	}
   841  	return rs
   842  }
   844  func loadModFile(ctx context.Context, opts *PackageOpts) (*Requirements, error) {
   845  	if requirements != nil {
   846  		return requirements, nil
   847  	}
   849  	Init()
   850  	var workFile *modfile.WorkFile
   851  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
   852  		var err error
   853  		workFile, modRoots, err = loadWorkFile(workFilePath)
   854  		if err != nil {
   855  			return nil, err
   856  		}
   857  		for _, modRoot := range modRoots {
   858  			sumFile := strings.TrimSuffix(modFilePath(modRoot), ".mod") + ".sum"
   859  			modfetch.WorkspaceGoSumFiles = append(modfetch.WorkspaceGoSumFiles, sumFile)
   860  		}
   861  		modfetch.GoSumFile = workFilePath + ".sum"
   862  	} else if len(modRoots) == 0 {
   863  		// We're in module mode, but not inside a module.
   864  		//
   865  		// Commands like 'go build', 'go run', 'go list' have no go.mod file to
   866  		// read or write. They would need to find and download the latest versions
   867  		// of a potentially large number of modules with no way to save version
   868  		// information. We can succeed slowly (but not reproducibly), but that's
   869  		// not usually a good experience.
   870  		//
   871  		// Instead, we forbid resolving import paths to modules other than std and
   872  		// cmd. Users may still build packages specified with .go files on the
   873  		// command line, but they'll see an error if those files import anything
   874  		// outside std.
   875  		//
   876  		// This can be overridden by calling AllowMissingModuleImports.
   877  		// For example, 'go get' does this, since it is expected to resolve paths.
   878  		//
   879  		// See
   880  	} else {
   881  		modfetch.GoSumFile = strings.TrimSuffix(modFilePath(modRoots[0]), ".mod") + ".sum"
   882  	}
   883  	if len(modRoots) == 0 {
   884  		// TODO(#49228): Instead of creating a fake module with an empty modroot,
   885  		// make MainModules.Len() == 0 mean that we're in module mode but not inside
   886  		// any module.
   887  		mainModule := module.Version{Path: "command-line-arguments"}
   888  		MainModules = makeMainModules([]module.Version{mainModule}, []string{""}, []*modfile.File{nil}, []*modFileIndex{nil}, nil)
   889  		var (
   890  			goVersion string
   891  			pruning   modPruning
   892  			roots     []module.Version
   893  			direct    = map[string]bool{"go": true}
   894  		)
   895  		if inWorkspaceMode() {
   896  			// Since we are in a workspace, the Go version for the synthetic
   897  			// "command-line-arguments" module must not exceed the Go version
   898  			// for the workspace.
   899  			goVersion = MainModules.GoVersion()
   900  			pruning = workspace
   901  			roots = []module.Version{
   902  				mainModule,
   903  				{Path: "go", Version: goVersion},
   904  				{Path: "toolchain", Version: gover.LocalToolchain()},
   905  			}
   906  		} else {
   907  			goVersion = gover.Local()
   908  			pruning = pruningForGoVersion(goVersion)
   909  			roots = []module.Version{
   910  				{Path: "go", Version: goVersion},
   911  				{Path: "toolchain", Version: gover.LocalToolchain()},
   912  			}
   913  		}
   914  		rawGoVersion.Store(mainModule, goVersion)
   915  		requirements = newRequirements(pruning, roots, direct)
   916  		if cfg.BuildMod == "vendor" {
   917  			// For issue 56536: Some users may have GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor set.
   918  			// Make sure it behaves as though the fake module is vendored
   919  			// with no dependencies.
   920  			requirements.initVendor(nil)
   921  		}
   922  		return requirements, nil
   923  	}
   925  	var modFiles []*modfile.File
   926  	var mainModules []module.Version
   927  	var indices []*modFileIndex
   928  	var errs []error
   929  	for _, modroot := range modRoots {
   930  		gomod := modFilePath(modroot)
   931  		var fixed bool
   932  		data, f, err := ReadModFile(gomod, fixVersion(ctx, &fixed))
   933  		if err != nil {
   934  			if inWorkspaceMode() {
   935  				if tooNew, ok := err.(*gover.TooNewError); ok && !strings.HasPrefix(cfg.CmdName, "work ") {
   936  					// Switching to a newer toolchain won't help - the has the wrong version.
   937  					// Report this more specific error, unless we are a command like 'go work use'
   938  					// or 'go work sync', which will fix the problem after the caller sees the TooNewError
   939  					// and switches to a newer toolchain.
   940  					err = errWorkTooOld(gomod, workFile, tooNew.GoVersion)
   941  				} else {
   942  					err = fmt.Errorf("cannot load module %s listed in file: %w",
   943  						base.ShortPath(filepath.Dir(gomod)), err)
   944  				}
   945  			}
   946  			errs = append(errs, err)
   947  			continue
   948  		}
   949  		if inWorkspaceMode() && !strings.HasPrefix(cfg.CmdName, "work ") {
   950  			// Refuse to use workspace if its go version is too old.
   951  			// Disable this check if we are a workspace command like work use or work sync,
   952  			// which will fix the problem.
   953  			mv := gover.FromGoMod(f)
   954  			wv := gover.FromGoWork(workFile)
   955  			if gover.Compare(mv, wv) > 0 && gover.Compare(mv, gover.GoStrictVersion) >= 0 {
   956  				errs = append(errs, errWorkTooOld(gomod, workFile, mv))
   957  				continue
   958  			}
   959  		}
   961  		if !inWorkspaceMode() {
   962  			ok := true
   963  			for _, g := range f.Godebug {
   964  				if err := CheckGodebug("godebug", g.Key, g.Value); err != nil {
   965  					errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("error loading go.mod:\n%s:%d: %v", base.ShortPath(gomod), g.Syntax.Start.Line, err))
   966  					ok = false
   967  				}
   968  			}
   969  			if !ok {
   970  				continue
   971  			}
   972  		}
   974  		modFiles = append(modFiles, f)
   975  		mainModule := f.Module.Mod
   976  		mainModules = append(mainModules, mainModule)
   977  		indices = append(indices, indexModFile(data, f, mainModule, fixed))
   979  		if err := module.CheckImportPath(f.Module.Mod.Path); err != nil {
   980  			if pathErr, ok := err.(*module.InvalidPathError); ok {
   981  				pathErr.Kind = "module"
   982  			}
   983  			errs = append(errs, err)
   984  		}
   985  	}
   986  	if len(errs) > 0 {
   987  		return nil, errors.Join(errs...)
   988  	}
   990  	MainModules = makeMainModules(mainModules, modRoots, modFiles, indices, workFile)
   991  	setDefaultBuildMod() // possibly enable automatic vendoring
   992  	rs := requirementsFromModFiles(ctx, workFile, modFiles, opts)
   994  	if cfg.BuildMod == "vendor" {
   995  		readVendorList(VendorDir())
   996  		versions := MainModules.Versions()
   997  		indexes := make([]*modFileIndex, 0, len(versions))
   998  		modFiles := make([]*modfile.File, 0, len(versions))
   999  		modRoots := make([]string, 0, len(versions))
  1000  		for _, m := range versions {
  1001  			indexes = append(indexes, MainModules.Index(m))
  1002  			modFiles = append(modFiles, MainModules.ModFile(m))
  1003  			modRoots = append(modRoots, MainModules.ModRoot(m))
  1004  		}
  1005  		checkVendorConsistency(indexes, modFiles, modRoots)
  1006  		rs.initVendor(vendorList)
  1007  	}
  1009  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
  1010  		// We don't need to update the mod file so return early.
  1011  		requirements = rs
  1012  		return rs, nil
  1013  	}
  1015  	mainModule := MainModules.mustGetSingleMainModule()
  1017  	if rs.hasRedundantRoot() {
  1018  		// If any module path appears more than once in the roots, we know that the
  1019  		// go.mod file needs to be updated even though we have not yet loaded any
  1020  		// transitive dependencies.
  1021  		var err error
  1022  		rs, err = updateRoots(ctx,, rs, nil, nil, false)
  1023  		if err != nil {
  1024  			return nil, err
  1025  		}
  1026  	}
  1028  	if MainModules.Index(mainModule).goVersion == "" && rs.pruning != workspace {
  1029  		// TODO(#45551): Do something more principled instead of checking
  1030  		// cfg.CmdName directly here.
  1031  		if cfg.BuildMod == "mod" && cfg.CmdName != "mod graph" && cfg.CmdName != "mod why" {
  1032  			// go line is missing from go.mod; add one there and add to derived requirements.
  1033  			v := gover.Local()
  1034  			if opts != nil && opts.TidyGoVersion != "" {
  1035  				v = opts.TidyGoVersion
  1036  			}
  1037  			addGoStmt(MainModules.ModFile(mainModule), mainModule, v)
  1038  			rs = overrideRoots(ctx, rs, []module.Version{{Path: "go", Version: v}})
  1040  			// We need to add a 'go' version to the go.mod file, but we must assume
  1041  			// that its existing contents match something between Go 1.11 and 1.16.
  1042  			// Go 1.11 through 1.16 do not support graph pruning, but the latest Go
  1043  			// version uses a pruned module graph — so we need to convert the
  1044  			// requirements to support pruning.
  1045  			if gover.Compare(v, gover.ExplicitIndirectVersion) >= 0 {
  1046  				var err error
  1047  				rs, err = convertPruning(ctx, rs, pruned)
  1048  				if err != nil {
  1049  					return nil, err
  1050  				}
  1051  			}
  1052  		} else {
  1053  			rawGoVersion.Store(mainModule, gover.DefaultGoModVersion)
  1054  		}
  1055  	}
  1057  	requirements = rs
  1058  	return requirements, nil
  1059  }
  1061  func errWorkTooOld(gomod string, wf *modfile.WorkFile, goVers string) error {
  1062  	verb := "lists"
  1063  	if wf == nil || wf.Go == nil {
  1064  		// A file implicitly requires go1.18
  1065  		// even when it doesn't list any version.
  1066  		verb = "implicitly requires"
  1067  	}
  1068  	return fmt.Errorf("module %s listed in file requires go >= %s, but %s go %s; to update it:\n\tgo work use",
  1069  		base.ShortPath(filepath.Dir(gomod)), goVers, verb, gover.FromGoWork(wf))
  1070  }
  1072  // CreateModFile initializes a new module by creating a go.mod file.
  1073  //
  1074  // If modPath is empty, CreateModFile will attempt to infer the path from the
  1075  // directory location within GOPATH.
  1076  //
  1077  // If a vendoring configuration file is present, CreateModFile will attempt to
  1078  // translate it to go.mod directives. The resulting build list may not be
  1079  // exactly the same as in the legacy configuration (for example, we can't get
  1080  // packages at multiple versions from the same module).
  1081  func CreateModFile(ctx context.Context, modPath string) {
  1082  	modRoot := base.Cwd()
  1083  	modRoots = []string{modRoot}
  1084  	Init()
  1085  	modFilePath := modFilePath(modRoot)
  1086  	if _, err := fsys.Stat(modFilePath); err == nil {
  1087  		base.Fatalf("go: %s already exists", modFilePath)
  1088  	}
  1090  	if modPath == "" {
  1091  		var err error
  1092  		modPath, err = findModulePath(modRoot)
  1093  		if err != nil {
  1094  			base.Fatal(err)
  1095  		}
  1096  	} else if err := module.CheckImportPath(modPath); err != nil {
  1097  		if pathErr, ok := err.(*module.InvalidPathError); ok {
  1098  			pathErr.Kind = "module"
  1099  			// Same as build.IsLocalPath()
  1100  			if pathErr.Path == "." || pathErr.Path == ".." ||
  1101  				strings.HasPrefix(pathErr.Path, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(pathErr.Path, "../") {
  1102  				pathErr.Err = errors.New("is a local import path")
  1103  			}
  1104  		}
  1105  		base.Fatal(err)
  1106  	} else if _, _, ok := module.SplitPathVersion(modPath); !ok {
  1107  		if strings.HasPrefix(modPath, "") {
  1108  			invalidMajorVersionMsg := fmt.Errorf("module paths beginning with must always have a major version suffix in the form of .vN:\n\tgo mod init %s", suggestGopkgIn(modPath))
  1109  			base.Fatalf(`go: invalid module path "%v": %v`, modPath, invalidMajorVersionMsg)
  1110  		}
  1111  		invalidMajorVersionMsg := fmt.Errorf("major version suffixes must be in the form of /vN and are only allowed for v2 or later:\n\tgo mod init %s", suggestModulePath(modPath))
  1112  		base.Fatalf(`go: invalid module path "%v": %v`, modPath, invalidMajorVersionMsg)
  1113  	}
  1115  	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: creating new go.mod: module %s\n", modPath)
  1116  	modFile := new(modfile.File)
  1117  	modFile.AddModuleStmt(modPath)
  1118  	MainModules = makeMainModules([]module.Version{modFile.Module.Mod}, []string{modRoot}, []*modfile.File{modFile}, []*modFileIndex{nil}, nil)
  1119  	addGoStmt(modFile, modFile.Module.Mod, gover.Local()) // Add the go directive before converted module requirements.
  1121  	rs := requirementsFromModFiles(ctx, nil, []*modfile.File{modFile}, nil)
  1122  	rs, err := updateRoots(ctx,, rs, nil, nil, false)
  1123  	if err != nil {
  1124  		base.Fatal(err)
  1125  	}
  1126  	requirements = rs
  1127  	if err := commitRequirements(ctx, WriteOpts{}); err != nil {
  1128  		base.Fatal(err)
  1129  	}
  1131  	// Suggest running 'go mod tidy' unless the project is empty. Even if we
  1132  	// imported all the correct requirements above, we're probably missing
  1133  	// some sums, so the next build command in -mod=readonly will likely fail.
  1134  	//
  1135  	// We look for non-hidden .go files or subdirectories to determine whether
  1136  	// this is an existing project. Walking the tree for packages would be more
  1137  	// accurate, but could take much longer.
  1138  	empty := true
  1139  	files, _ := os.ReadDir(modRoot)
  1140  	for _, f := range files {
  1141  		name := f.Name()
  1142  		if strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "_") {
  1143  			continue
  1144  		}
  1145  		if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go") || f.IsDir() {
  1146  			empty = false
  1147  			break
  1148  		}
  1149  	}
  1150  	if !empty {
  1151  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: to add module requirements and sums:\n\tgo mod tidy\n")
  1152  	}
  1153  }
  1155  // fixVersion returns a modfile.VersionFixer implemented using the Query function.
  1156  //
  1157  // It resolves commit hashes and branch names to versions,
  1158  // canonicalizes versions that appeared in early vgo drafts,
  1159  // and does nothing for versions that already appear to be canonical.
  1160  //
  1161  // The VersionFixer sets 'fixed' if it ever returns a non-canonical version.
  1162  func fixVersion(ctx context.Context, fixed *bool) modfile.VersionFixer {
  1163  	return func(path, vers string) (resolved string, err error) {
  1164  		defer func() {
  1165  			if err == nil && resolved != vers {
  1166  				*fixed = true
  1167  			}
  1168  		}()
  1170  		// Special case: remove the old -gopkgin- hack.
  1171  		if strings.HasPrefix(path, "") && strings.Contains(vers, "-gopkgin-") {
  1172  			vers = vers[strings.Index(vers, "-gopkgin-")+len("-gopkgin-"):]
  1173  		}
  1175  		// fixVersion is called speculatively on every
  1176  		// module, version pair from every go.mod file.
  1177  		// Avoid the query if it looks OK.
  1178  		_, pathMajor, ok := module.SplitPathVersion(path)
  1179  		if !ok {
  1180  			return "", &module.ModuleError{
  1181  				Path: path,
  1182  				Err: &module.InvalidVersionError{
  1183  					Version: vers,
  1184  					Err:     fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q", path),
  1185  				},
  1186  			}
  1187  		}
  1188  		if vers != "" && module.CanonicalVersion(vers) == vers {
  1189  			if err := module.CheckPathMajor(vers, pathMajor); err != nil {
  1190  				return "", module.VersionError(module.Version{Path: path, Version: vers}, err)
  1191  			}
  1192  			return vers, nil
  1193  		}
  1195  		info, err := Query(ctx, path, vers, "", nil)
  1196  		if err != nil {
  1197  			return "", err
  1198  		}
  1199  		return info.Version, nil
  1200  	}
  1201  }
  1203  // AllowMissingModuleImports allows import paths to be resolved to modules
  1204  // when there is no module root. Normally, this is forbidden because it's slow
  1205  // and there's no way to make the result reproducible, but some commands
  1206  // like 'go get' are expected to do this.
  1207  //
  1208  // This function affects the default cfg.BuildMod when outside of a module,
  1209  // so it can only be called prior to Init.
  1210  func AllowMissingModuleImports() {
  1211  	if initialized {
  1212  		panic("AllowMissingModuleImports after Init")
  1213  	}
  1214  	allowMissingModuleImports = true
  1215  }
  1217  // makeMainModules creates a MainModuleSet and associated variables according to
  1218  // the given main modules.
  1219  func makeMainModules(ms []module.Version, rootDirs []string, modFiles []*modfile.File, indices []*modFileIndex, workFile *modfile.WorkFile) *MainModuleSet {
  1220  	for _, m := range ms {
  1221  		if m.Version != "" {
  1222  			panic("mainModulesCalled with module.Version with non empty Version field: " + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", m))
  1223  		}
  1224  	}
  1225  	modRootContainingCWD := findModuleRoot(base.Cwd())
  1226  	mainModules := &MainModuleSet{
  1227  		versions:        slices.Clip(ms),
  1228  		inGorootSrc:     map[module.Version]bool{},
  1229  		pathPrefix:      map[module.Version]string{},
  1230  		modRoot:         map[module.Version]string{},
  1231  		modFiles:        map[module.Version]*modfile.File{},
  1232  		indices:         map[module.Version]*modFileIndex{},
  1233  		highestReplaced: map[string]string{},
  1234  		tools:           map[string]bool{},
  1235  		workFile:        workFile,
  1236  	}
  1237  	var workFileReplaces []*modfile.Replace
  1238  	if workFile != nil {
  1239  		workFileReplaces = workFile.Replace
  1240  		mainModules.workFileReplaceMap = toReplaceMap(workFile.Replace)
  1241  	}
  1242  	mainModulePaths := make(map[string]bool)
  1243  	for _, m := range ms {
  1244  		if mainModulePaths[m.Path] {
  1245  			base.Errorf("go: module %s appears multiple times in workspace", m.Path)
  1246  		}
  1247  		mainModulePaths[m.Path] = true
  1248  	}
  1249  	replacedByWorkFile := make(map[string]bool)
  1250  	replacements := make(map[module.Version]module.Version)
  1251  	for _, r := range workFileReplaces {
  1252  		if mainModulePaths[r.Old.Path] && r.Old.Version == "" {
  1253  			base.Errorf("go: workspace module %v is replaced at all versions in the file. To fix, remove the replacement from the file or specify the version at which to replace the module.", r.Old.Path)
  1254  		}
  1255  		replacedByWorkFile[r.Old.Path] = true
  1256  		v, ok := mainModules.highestReplaced[r.Old.Path]
  1257  		if !ok || gover.ModCompare(r.Old.Path, r.Old.Version, v) > 0 {
  1258  			mainModules.highestReplaced[r.Old.Path] = r.Old.Version
  1259  		}
  1260  		replacements[r.Old] = r.New
  1261  	}
  1262  	for i, m := range ms {
  1263  		mainModules.pathPrefix[m] = m.Path
  1264  		mainModules.modRoot[m] = rootDirs[i]
  1265  		mainModules.modFiles[m] = modFiles[i]
  1266  		mainModules.indices[m] = indices[i]
  1268  		if mainModules.modRoot[m] == modRootContainingCWD {
  1269  			mainModules.modContainingCWD = m
  1270  		}
  1272  		if rel := search.InDir(rootDirs[i], cfg.GOROOTsrc); rel != "" {
  1273  			mainModules.inGorootSrc[m] = true
  1274  			if m.Path == "std" {
  1275  				// The "std" module in GOROOT/src is the Go standard library. Unlike other
  1276  				// modules, the packages in the "std" module have no import-path prefix.
  1277  				//
  1278  				// Modules named "std" outside of GOROOT/src do not receive this special
  1279  				// treatment, so it is possible to run 'go test .' in other GOROOTs to
  1280  				// test individual packages using a combination of the modified package
  1281  				// and the ordinary standard library.
  1282  				// (See
  1283  				mainModules.pathPrefix[m] = ""
  1284  			}
  1285  		}
  1287  		if modFiles[i] != nil {
  1288  			curModuleReplaces := make(map[module.Version]bool)
  1289  			for _, r := range modFiles[i].Replace {
  1290  				if replacedByWorkFile[r.Old.Path] {
  1291  					continue
  1292  				}
  1293  				var newV module.Version = r.New
  1294  				if WorkFilePath() != "" && newV.Version == "" && !filepath.IsAbs(newV.Path) {
  1295  					// Since we are in a workspace, we may be loading replacements from
  1296  					// multiple go.mod files. Relative paths in those replacement are
  1297  					// relative to the go.mod file, not the workspace, so the same string
  1298  					// may refer to two different paths and different strings may refer to
  1299  					// the same path. Convert them all to be absolute instead.
  1300  					//
  1301  					// (We could do this outside of a workspace too, but it would mean that
  1302  					// replacement paths in error strings needlessly differ from what's in
  1303  					// the go.mod file.)
  1304  					newV.Path = filepath.Join(rootDirs[i], newV.Path)
  1305  				}
  1306  				if prev, ok := replacements[r.Old]; ok && !curModuleReplaces[r.Old] && prev != newV {
  1307  					base.Fatalf("go: conflicting replacements for %v:\n\t%v\n\t%v\nuse \"go work edit -replace %v=[override]\" to resolve", r.Old, prev, newV, r.Old)
  1308  				}
  1309  				curModuleReplaces[r.Old] = true
  1310  				replacements[r.Old] = newV
  1312  				v, ok := mainModules.highestReplaced[r.Old.Path]
  1313  				if !ok || gover.ModCompare(r.Old.Path, r.Old.Version, v) > 0 {
  1314  					mainModules.highestReplaced[r.Old.Path] = r.Old.Version
  1315  				}
  1316  			}
  1318  			for _, t := range modFiles[i].Tool {
  1319  				if err := module.CheckImportPath(t.Path); err != nil {
  1320  					if e, ok := err.(*module.InvalidPathError); ok {
  1321  						e.Kind = "tool"
  1322  					}
  1323  					base.Fatal(err)
  1324  				}
  1326[t.Path] = true
  1327  			}
  1328  		}
  1329  	}
  1331  	return mainModules
  1332  }
  1334  // requirementsFromModFiles returns the set of non-excluded requirements from
  1335  // the global modFile.
  1336  func requirementsFromModFiles(ctx context.Context, workFile *modfile.WorkFile, modFiles []*modfile.File, opts *PackageOpts) *Requirements {
  1337  	var roots []module.Version
  1338  	direct := map[string]bool{}
  1339  	var pruning modPruning
  1340  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
  1341  		pruning = workspace
  1342  		roots = make([]module.Version, len(MainModules.Versions()), 2+len(MainModules.Versions()))
  1343  		copy(roots, MainModules.Versions())
  1344  		goVersion := gover.FromGoWork(workFile)
  1345  		var toolchain string
  1346  		if workFile.Toolchain != nil {
  1347  			toolchain = workFile.Toolchain.Name
  1348  		}
  1349  		roots = appendGoAndToolchainRoots(roots, goVersion, toolchain, direct)
  1350  		direct = directRequirements(modFiles)
  1351  	} else {
  1352  		pruning = pruningForGoVersion(MainModules.GoVersion())
  1353  		if len(modFiles) != 1 {
  1354  			panic(fmt.Errorf("requirementsFromModFiles called with %v modfiles outside workspace mode", len(modFiles)))
  1355  		}
  1356  		modFile := modFiles[0]
  1357  		roots, direct = rootsFromModFile(MainModules.mustGetSingleMainModule(), modFile, withToolchainRoot)
  1358  	}
  1360  	gover.ModSort(roots)
  1361  	rs := newRequirements(pruning, roots, direct)
  1362  	return rs
  1363  }
  1365  type addToolchainRoot bool
  1367  const (
  1368  	omitToolchainRoot addToolchainRoot = false
  1369  	withToolchainRoot                  = true
  1370  )
  1372  func directRequirements(modFiles []*modfile.File) map[string]bool {
  1373  	direct := make(map[string]bool)
  1374  	for _, modFile := range modFiles {
  1375  		for _, r := range modFile.Require {
  1376  			if !r.Indirect {
  1377  				direct[r.Mod.Path] = true
  1378  			}
  1379  		}
  1380  	}
  1381  	return direct
  1382  }
  1384  func rootsFromModFile(m module.Version, modFile *modfile.File, addToolchainRoot addToolchainRoot) (roots []module.Version, direct map[string]bool) {
  1385  	direct = make(map[string]bool)
  1386  	padding := 2 // Add padding for the toolchain and go version, added upon return.
  1387  	if !addToolchainRoot {
  1388  		padding = 1
  1389  	}
  1390  	roots = make([]module.Version, 0, padding+len(modFile.Require))
  1391  	for _, r := range modFile.Require {
  1392  		if index := MainModules.Index(m); index != nil && index.exclude[r.Mod] {
  1393  			if cfg.BuildMod == "mod" {
  1394  				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: dropping requirement on excluded version %s %s\n", r.Mod.Path, r.Mod.Version)
  1395  			} else {
  1396  				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: ignoring requirement on excluded version %s %s\n", r.Mod.Path, r.Mod.Version)
  1397  			}
  1398  			continue
  1399  		}
  1401  		roots = append(roots, r.Mod)
  1402  		if !r.Indirect {
  1403  			direct[r.Mod.Path] = true
  1404  		}
  1405  	}
  1406  	goVersion := gover.FromGoMod(modFile)
  1407  	var toolchain string
  1408  	if addToolchainRoot && modFile.Toolchain != nil {
  1409  		toolchain = modFile.Toolchain.Name
  1410  	}
  1411  	roots = appendGoAndToolchainRoots(roots, goVersion, toolchain, direct)
  1412  	return roots, direct
  1413  }
  1415  func appendGoAndToolchainRoots(roots []module.Version, goVersion, toolchain string, direct map[string]bool) []module.Version {
  1416  	// Add explicit go and toolchain versions, inferring as needed.
  1417  	roots = append(roots, module.Version{Path: "go", Version: goVersion})
  1418  	direct["go"] = true // Every module directly uses the language and runtime.
  1420  	if toolchain != "" {
  1421  		roots = append(roots, module.Version{Path: "toolchain", Version: toolchain})
  1422  		// Leave the toolchain as indirect: nothing in the user's module directly
  1423  		// imports a package from the toolchain, and (like an indirect dependency in
  1424  		// a module without graph pruning) we may remove the toolchain line
  1425  		// automatically if the 'go' version is changed so that it implies the exact
  1426  		// same toolchain.
  1427  	}
  1428  	return roots
  1429  }
  1431  // setDefaultBuildMod sets a default value for cfg.BuildMod if the -mod flag
  1432  // wasn't provided. setDefaultBuildMod may be called multiple times.
  1433  func setDefaultBuildMod() {
  1434  	if cfg.BuildModExplicit {
  1435  		if inWorkspaceMode() && cfg.BuildMod != "readonly" && cfg.BuildMod != "vendor" {
  1436  			switch cfg.CmdName {
  1437  			case "work sync", "mod graph", "mod verify", "mod why":
  1438  				// These commands run with BuildMod set to mod, but they don't take the
  1439  				// -mod flag, so we should never get here.
  1440  				panic("in workspace mode and -mod was set explicitly, but command doesn't support setting -mod")
  1441  			default:
  1442  				base.Fatalf("go: -mod may only be set to readonly or vendor when in workspace mode, but it is set to %q"+
  1443  					"\n\tRemove the -mod flag to use the default readonly value, "+
  1444  					"\n\tor set GOWORK=off to disable workspace mode.", cfg.BuildMod)
  1445  			}
  1446  		}
  1447  		// Don't override an explicit '-mod=' argument.
  1448  		return
  1449  	}
  1451  	// TODO(#40775): commands should pass in the module mode as an option
  1452  	// to modload functions instead of relying on an implicit setting
  1453  	// based on command name.
  1454  	switch cfg.CmdName {
  1455  	case "get", "mod download", "mod init", "mod tidy", "work sync":
  1456  		// These commands are intended to update go.mod and go.sum.
  1457  		cfg.BuildMod = "mod"
  1458  		return
  1459  	case "mod graph", "mod verify", "mod why":
  1460  		// These commands should not update go.mod or go.sum, but they should be
  1461  		// able to fetch modules not in go.sum and should not report errors if
  1462  		// go.mod is inconsistent. They're useful for debugging, and they need
  1463  		// to work in buggy situations.
  1464  		cfg.BuildMod = "mod"
  1465  		return
  1466  	case "mod vendor", "work vendor":
  1467  		cfg.BuildMod = "readonly"
  1468  		return
  1469  	}
  1470  	if modRoots == nil {
  1471  		if allowMissingModuleImports {
  1472  			cfg.BuildMod = "mod"
  1473  		} else {
  1474  			cfg.BuildMod = "readonly"
  1475  		}
  1476  		return
  1477  	}
  1479  	if len(modRoots) >= 1 {
  1480  		var goVersion string
  1481  		var versionSource string
  1482  		if inWorkspaceMode() {
  1483  			versionSource = ""
  1484  			if wfg := MainModules.WorkFile().Go; wfg != nil {
  1485  				goVersion = wfg.Version
  1486  			}
  1487  		} else {
  1488  			versionSource = "go.mod"
  1489  			index := MainModules.GetSingleIndexOrNil()
  1490  			if index != nil {
  1491  				goVersion = index.goVersion
  1492  			}
  1493  		}
  1494  		vendorDir := ""
  1495  		if workFilePath != "" {
  1496  			vendorDir = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(workFilePath), "vendor")
  1497  		} else {
  1498  			if len(modRoots) != 1 {
  1499  				panic(fmt.Errorf("outside workspace mode, but have %v modRoots", modRoots))
  1500  			}
  1501  			vendorDir = filepath.Join(modRoots[0], "vendor")
  1502  		}
  1503  		if fi, err := fsys.Stat(vendorDir); err == nil && fi.IsDir() {
  1504  			if goVersion != "" {
  1505  				if gover.Compare(goVersion, "1.14") < 0 {
  1506  					// The go version is less than 1.14. Don't set -mod=vendor by default.
  1507  					// Since a vendor directory exists, we should record why we didn't use it.
  1508  					// This message won't normally be shown, but it may appear with import errors.
  1509  					cfg.BuildModReason = fmt.Sprintf("Go version in "+versionSource+" is %s, so vendor directory was not used.", goVersion)
  1510  				} else {
  1511  					vendoredWorkspace, err := modulesTextIsForWorkspace(vendorDir)
  1512  					if err != nil {
  1513  						base.Fatalf("go: reading modules.txt for vendor directory: %v", err)
  1514  					}
  1515  					if vendoredWorkspace != (versionSource == "") {
  1516  						if vendoredWorkspace {
  1517  							cfg.BuildModReason = "Outside workspace mode, but vendor directory is for a workspace."
  1518  						} else {
  1519  							cfg.BuildModReason = "In workspace mode, but vendor directory is not for a workspace"
  1520  						}
  1521  					} else {
  1522  						// The Go version is at least 1.14, a vendor directory exists, and
  1523  						// the modules.txt was generated in the same mode the command is running in.
  1524  						// Set -mod=vendor by default.
  1525  						cfg.BuildMod = "vendor"
  1526  						cfg.BuildModReason = "Go version in " + versionSource + " is at least 1.14 and vendor directory exists."
  1527  						return
  1528  					}
  1529  				}
  1530  			} else {
  1531  				cfg.BuildModReason = fmt.Sprintf("Go version in %s is unspecified, so vendor directory was not used.", versionSource)
  1532  			}
  1533  		}
  1534  	}
  1536  	cfg.BuildMod = "readonly"
  1537  }
  1539  func modulesTextIsForWorkspace(vendorDir string) (bool, error) {
  1540  	f, err := fsys.Open(filepath.Join(vendorDir, "modules.txt"))
  1541  	if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
  1542  		// Some vendor directories exist that don't contain modules.txt.
  1543  		// This mostly happens when converting to modules.
  1544  		// We want to preserve the behavior that mod=vendor is set (even though
  1545  		// readVendorList does nothing in that case).
  1546  		return false, nil
  1547  	}
  1548  	if err != nil {
  1549  		return false, err
  1550  	}
  1551  	defer f.Close()
  1552  	var buf [512]byte
  1553  	n, err := f.Read(buf[:])
  1554  	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
  1555  		return false, err
  1556  	}
  1557  	line, _, _ := strings.Cut(string(buf[:n]), "\n")
  1558  	if annotations, ok := strings.CutPrefix(line, "## "); ok {
  1559  		for _, entry := range strings.Split(annotations, ";") {
  1560  			entry = strings.TrimSpace(entry)
  1561  			if entry == "workspace" {
  1562  				return true, nil
  1563  			}
  1564  		}
  1565  	}
  1566  	return false, nil
  1567  }
  1569  func mustHaveCompleteRequirements() bool {
  1570  	return cfg.BuildMod != "mod" && !inWorkspaceMode()
  1571  }
  1573  // addGoStmt adds a go directive to the go.mod file if it does not already
  1574  // include one. The 'go' version added, if any, is the latest version supported
  1575  // by this toolchain.
  1576  func addGoStmt(modFile *modfile.File, mod module.Version, v string) {
  1577  	if modFile.Go != nil && modFile.Go.Version != "" {
  1578  		return
  1579  	}
  1580  	forceGoStmt(modFile, mod, v)
  1581  }
  1583  func forceGoStmt(modFile *modfile.File, mod module.Version, v string) {
  1584  	if err := modFile.AddGoStmt(v); err != nil {
  1585  		base.Fatalf("go: internal error: %v", err)
  1586  	}
  1587  	rawGoVersion.Store(mod, v)
  1588  }
  1590  var altConfigs = []string{
  1591  	".git/config",
  1592  }
  1594  func findModuleRoot(dir string) (roots string) {
  1595  	if dir == "" {
  1596  		panic("dir not set")
  1597  	}
  1598  	dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
  1600  	// Look for enclosing go.mod.
  1601  	for {
  1602  		if fi, err := fsys.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod")); err == nil && !fi.IsDir() {
  1603  			return dir
  1604  		}
  1605  		d := filepath.Dir(dir)
  1606  		if d == dir {
  1607  			break
  1608  		}
  1609  		dir = d
  1610  	}
  1611  	return ""
  1612  }
  1614  func findWorkspaceFile(dir string) (root string) {
  1615  	if dir == "" {
  1616  		panic("dir not set")
  1617  	}
  1618  	dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
  1620  	// Look for enclosing go.mod.
  1621  	for {
  1622  		f := filepath.Join(dir, "")
  1623  		if fi, err := fsys.Stat(f); err == nil && !fi.IsDir() {
  1624  			return f
  1625  		}
  1626  		d := filepath.Dir(dir)
  1627  		if d == dir {
  1628  			break
  1629  		}
  1630  		if d == cfg.GOROOT {
  1631  			// As a special case, don't cross GOROOT to find a file.
  1632  			// The standard library and commands built in go always use the vendored
  1633  			// dependencies, so avoid using a most likely irrelevant file.
  1634  			return ""
  1635  		}
  1636  		dir = d
  1637  	}
  1638  	return ""
  1639  }
  1641  func findAltConfig(dir string) (root, name string) {
  1642  	if dir == "" {
  1643  		panic("dir not set")
  1644  	}
  1645  	dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
  1646  	if rel := search.InDir(dir, cfg.BuildContext.GOROOT); rel != "" {
  1647  		// Don't suggest creating a module from $GOROOT/.git/config
  1648  		// or a config file found in any parent of $GOROOT (see #34191).
  1649  		return "", ""
  1650  	}
  1651  	for {
  1652  		for _, name := range altConfigs {
  1653  			if fi, err := fsys.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, name)); err == nil && !fi.IsDir() {
  1654  				return dir, name
  1655  			}
  1656  		}
  1657  		d := filepath.Dir(dir)
  1658  		if d == dir {
  1659  			break
  1660  		}
  1661  		dir = d
  1662  	}
  1663  	return "", ""
  1664  }
  1666  func findModulePath(dir string) (string, error) {
  1667  	// TODO(bcmills): once we have located a plausible module path, we should
  1668  	// query version control (if available) to verify that it matches the major
  1669  	// version of the most recent tag.
  1670  	// See,, and
  1671  	//
  1673  	// Cast about for import comments,
  1674  	// first in top-level directory, then in subdirectories.
  1675  	list, _ := os.ReadDir(dir)
  1676  	for _, info := range list {
  1677  		if info.Type().IsRegular() && strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), ".go") {
  1678  			if com := findImportComment(filepath.Join(dir, info.Name())); com != "" {
  1679  				return com, nil
  1680  			}
  1681  		}
  1682  	}
  1683  	for _, info1 := range list {
  1684  		if info1.IsDir() {
  1685  			files, _ := os.ReadDir(filepath.Join(dir, info1.Name()))
  1686  			for _, info2 := range files {
  1687  				if info2.Type().IsRegular() && strings.HasSuffix(info2.Name(), ".go") {
  1688  					if com := findImportComment(filepath.Join(dir, info1.Name(), info2.Name())); com != "" {
  1689  						return path.Dir(com), nil
  1690  					}
  1691  				}
  1692  			}
  1693  		}
  1694  	}
  1696  	// Look for Godeps.json declaring import path.
  1697  	data, _ := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "Godeps/Godeps.json"))
  1698  	var cfg1 struct{ ImportPath string }
  1699  	json.Unmarshal(data, &cfg1)
  1700  	if cfg1.ImportPath != "" {
  1701  		return cfg1.ImportPath, nil
  1702  	}
  1704  	// Look for vendor.json declaring import path.
  1705  	data, _ = os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "vendor/vendor.json"))
  1706  	var cfg2 struct{ RootPath string }
  1707  	json.Unmarshal(data, &cfg2)
  1708  	if cfg2.RootPath != "" {
  1709  		return cfg2.RootPath, nil
  1710  	}
  1712  	// Look for path in GOPATH.
  1713  	var badPathErr error
  1714  	for _, gpdir := range filepath.SplitList(cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH) {
  1715  		if gpdir == "" {
  1716  			continue
  1717  		}
  1718  		if rel := search.InDir(dir, filepath.Join(gpdir, "src")); rel != "" && rel != "." {
  1719  			path := filepath.ToSlash(rel)
  1720  			// gorelease will alert users publishing their modules to fix their paths.
  1721  			if err := module.CheckImportPath(path); err != nil {
  1722  				badPathErr = err
  1723  				break
  1724  			}
  1725  			return path, nil
  1726  		}
  1727  	}
  1729  	reason := "outside GOPATH, module path must be specified"
  1730  	if badPathErr != nil {
  1731  		// return a different error message if the module was in GOPATH, but
  1732  		// the module path determined above would be an invalid path.
  1733  		reason = fmt.Sprintf("bad module path inferred from directory in GOPATH: %v", badPathErr)
  1734  	}
  1735  	msg := `cannot determine module path for source directory %s (%s)
  1737  Example usage:
  1738  	'go mod init' to initialize a v0 or v1 module
  1739  	'go mod init' to initialize a v2 module
  1741  Run 'go help mod init' for more information.
  1742  `
  1743  	return "", fmt.Errorf(msg, dir, reason)
  1744  }
  1746  var (
  1747  	importCommentRE = lazyregexp.New(`(?m)^package[ \t]+[^ \t\r\n/]+[ \t]+//[ \t]+import[ \t]+(\"[^"]+\")[ \t]*\r?\n`)
  1748  )
  1750  func findImportComment(file string) string {
  1751  	data, err := os.ReadFile(file)
  1752  	if err != nil {
  1753  		return ""
  1754  	}
  1755  	m := importCommentRE.FindSubmatch(data)
  1756  	if m == nil {
  1757  		return ""
  1758  	}
  1759  	path, err := strconv.Unquote(string(m[1]))
  1760  	if err != nil {
  1761  		return ""
  1762  	}
  1763  	return path
  1764  }
  1766  // WriteOpts control the behavior of WriteGoMod.
  1767  type WriteOpts struct {
  1768  	DropToolchain     bool // go get toolchain@none
  1769  	ExplicitToolchain bool // go get has set explicit toolchain version
  1771  	AddTools  []string // go get -tool
  1772  	DropTools []string // go get -tool
  1774  	// TODO(bcmills): Make 'go mod tidy' update the go version in the Requirements
  1775  	// instead of writing directly to the modfile.File
  1776  	TidyWroteGo bool // Go.Version field already updated by 'go mod tidy'
  1777  }
  1779  // WriteGoMod writes the current build list back to go.mod.
  1780  func WriteGoMod(ctx context.Context, opts WriteOpts) error {
  1781  	requirements = LoadModFile(ctx)
  1782  	return commitRequirements(ctx, opts)
  1783  }
  1785  var errNoChange = errors.New("no update needed")
  1787  // UpdateGoModFromReqs returns a modified go.mod file using the current
  1788  // requirements. It does not commit these changes to disk.
  1789  func UpdateGoModFromReqs(ctx context.Context, opts WriteOpts) (before, after []byte, modFile *modfile.File, err error) {
  1790  	if MainModules.Len() != 1 || MainModules.ModRoot(MainModules.Versions()[0]) == "" {
  1791  		// We aren't in a module, so we don't have anywhere to write a go.mod file.
  1792  		return nil, nil, nil, errNoChange
  1793  	}
  1794  	mainModule := MainModules.mustGetSingleMainModule()
  1795  	modFile = MainModules.ModFile(mainModule)
  1796  	if modFile == nil {
  1797  		// command-line-arguments has no .mod file to write.
  1798  		return nil, nil, nil, errNoChange
  1799  	}
  1800  	before, err = modFile.Format()
  1801  	if err != nil {
  1802  		return nil, nil, nil, err
  1803  	}
  1805  	var list []*modfile.Require
  1806  	toolchain := ""
  1807  	goVersion := ""
  1808  	for _, m := range requirements.rootModules {
  1809  		if m.Path == "go" {
  1810  			goVersion = m.Version
  1811  			continue
  1812  		}
  1813  		if m.Path == "toolchain" {
  1814  			toolchain = m.Version
  1815  			continue
  1816  		}
  1817  		list = append(list, &modfile.Require{
  1818  			Mod:      m,
  1819  			Indirect: ![m.Path],
  1820  		})
  1821  	}
  1823  	// Update go line.
  1824  	// Every MVS graph we consider should have go as a root,
  1825  	// and toolchain is either implied by the go line or explicitly a root.
  1826  	if goVersion == "" {
  1827  		base.Fatalf("go: internal error: missing go root module in WriteGoMod")
  1828  	}
  1829  	if gover.Compare(goVersion, gover.Local()) > 0 {
  1830  		// We cannot assume that we know how to update a go.mod to a newer version.
  1831  		return nil, nil, nil, &gover.TooNewError{What: "updating go.mod", GoVersion: goVersion}
  1832  	}
  1833  	wroteGo := opts.TidyWroteGo
  1834  	if !wroteGo && modFile.Go == nil || modFile.Go.Version != goVersion {
  1835  		alwaysUpdate := cfg.BuildMod == "mod" || cfg.CmdName == "mod tidy" || cfg.CmdName == "get"
  1836  		if modFile.Go == nil && goVersion == gover.DefaultGoModVersion && !alwaysUpdate {
  1837  			// The go.mod has no go line, the implied default Go version matches
  1838  			// what we've computed for the graph, and we're not in one of the
  1839  			// traditional go.mod-updating programs, so leave it alone.
  1840  		} else {
  1841  			wroteGo = true
  1842  			forceGoStmt(modFile, mainModule, goVersion)
  1843  		}
  1844  	}
  1845  	if toolchain == "" {
  1846  		toolchain = "go" + goVersion
  1847  	}
  1849  	// For reproducibility, if we are writing a new go line,
  1850  	// and we're not explicitly modifying the toolchain line with 'go get toolchain@something',
  1851  	// and the go version is one that supports switching toolchains,
  1852  	// and the toolchain running right now is newer than the current toolchain line,
  1853  	// then update the toolchain line to record the newer toolchain.
  1854  	//
  1855  	// TODO(#57001): This condition feels too complicated. Can we simplify it?
  1856  	// TODO(#57001): Add more tests for toolchain lines.
  1857  	toolVers := gover.FromToolchain(toolchain)
  1858  	if wroteGo && !opts.DropToolchain && !opts.ExplicitToolchain &&
  1859  		gover.Compare(goVersion, gover.GoStrictVersion) >= 0 &&
  1860  		(gover.Compare(gover.Local(), toolVers) > 0 && !gover.IsLang(gover.Local())) {
  1861  		toolchain = "go" + gover.Local()
  1862  		toolVers = gover.FromToolchain(toolchain)
  1863  	}
  1865  	if opts.DropToolchain || toolchain == "go"+goVersion || (gover.Compare(toolVers, gover.GoStrictVersion) < 0 && !opts.ExplicitToolchain) {
  1866  		// go get toolchain@none or toolchain matches go line or isn't valid; drop it.
  1867  		// TODO(#57001): 'go get' should reject explicit toolchains below GoStrictVersion.
  1868  		modFile.DropToolchainStmt()
  1869  	} else {
  1870  		modFile.AddToolchainStmt(toolchain)
  1871  	}
  1873  	for _, path := range opts.AddTools {
  1874  		modFile.AddTool(path)
  1875  	}
  1877  	for _, path := range opts.DropTools {
  1878  		modFile.DropTool(path)
  1879  	}
  1881  	// Update require blocks.
  1882  	if gover.Compare(goVersion, gover.SeparateIndirectVersion) < 0 {
  1883  		modFile.SetRequire(list)
  1884  	} else {
  1885  		modFile.SetRequireSeparateIndirect(list)
  1886  	}
  1887  	modFile.Cleanup()
  1888  	after, err = modFile.Format()
  1889  	if err != nil {
  1890  		return nil, nil, nil, err
  1891  	}
  1892  	return before, after, modFile, nil
  1893  }
  1895  // commitRequirements ensures go.mod and go.sum are up to date with the current
  1896  // requirements.
  1897  //
  1898  // In "mod" mode, commitRequirements writes changes to go.mod and go.sum.
  1899  //
  1900  // In "readonly" and "vendor" modes, commitRequirements returns an error if
  1901  // go.mod or go.sum are out of date in a semantically significant way.
  1902  //
  1903  // In workspace mode, commitRequirements only writes changes to
  1904  func commitRequirements(ctx context.Context, opts WriteOpts) (err error) {
  1905  	if inWorkspaceMode() {
  1906  		// go.mod files aren't updated in workspace mode, but we still want to
  1907  		// update the file.
  1908  		return modfetch.WriteGoSum(ctx, keepSums(ctx, loaded, requirements, addBuildListZipSums), mustHaveCompleteRequirements())
  1909  	}
  1910  	_, updatedGoMod, modFile, err := UpdateGoModFromReqs(ctx, opts)
  1911  	if err != nil {
  1912  		if errors.Is(err, errNoChange) {
  1913  			return nil
  1914  		}
  1915  		return err
  1916  	}
  1918  	index := MainModules.GetSingleIndexOrNil()
  1919  	dirty := index.modFileIsDirty(modFile) || len(opts.DropTools) > 0 || len(opts.AddTools) > 0
  1920  	if dirty && cfg.BuildMod != "mod" {
  1921  		// If we're about to fail due to -mod=readonly,
  1922  		// prefer to report a dirty go.mod over a dirty go.sum
  1923  		return errGoModDirty
  1924  	}
  1926  	if !dirty && cfg.CmdName != "mod tidy" {
  1927  		// The go.mod file has the same semantic content that it had before
  1928  		// (but not necessarily the same exact bytes).
  1929  		// Don't write go.mod, but write go.sum in case we added or trimmed sums.
  1930  		// 'go mod init' shouldn't write go.sum, since it will be incomplete.
  1931  		if cfg.CmdName != "mod init" {
  1932  			if err := modfetch.WriteGoSum(ctx, keepSums(ctx, loaded, requirements, addBuildListZipSums), mustHaveCompleteRequirements()); err != nil {
  1933  				return err
  1934  			}
  1935  		}
  1936  		return nil
  1937  	}
  1939  	mainModule := MainModules.mustGetSingleMainModule()
  1940  	modFilePath := modFilePath(MainModules.ModRoot(mainModule))
  1941  	if _, ok := fsys.OverlayPath(modFilePath); ok {
  1942  		if dirty {
  1943  			return errors.New("updates to go.mod needed, but go.mod is part of the overlay specified with -overlay")
  1944  		}
  1945  		return nil
  1946  	}
  1947  	defer func() {
  1948  		// At this point we have determined to make the go.mod file on disk equal to new.
  1949  		MainModules.SetIndex(mainModule, indexModFile(updatedGoMod, modFile, mainModule, false))
  1951  		// Update go.sum after releasing the side lock and refreshing the index.
  1952  		// 'go mod init' shouldn't write go.sum, since it will be incomplete.
  1953  		if cfg.CmdName != "mod init" {
  1954  			if err == nil {
  1955  				err = modfetch.WriteGoSum(ctx, keepSums(ctx, loaded, requirements, addBuildListZipSums), mustHaveCompleteRequirements())
  1956  			}
  1957  		}
  1958  	}()
  1960  	// Make a best-effort attempt to acquire the side lock, only to exclude
  1961  	// previous versions of the 'go' command from making simultaneous edits.
  1962  	if unlock, err := modfetch.SideLock(ctx); err == nil {
  1963  		defer unlock()
  1964  	}
  1966  	err = lockedfile.Transform(modFilePath, func(old []byte) ([]byte, error) {
  1967  		if bytes.Equal(old, updatedGoMod) {
  1968  			// The go.mod file is already equal to new, possibly as the result of some
  1969  			// other process.
  1970  			return nil, errNoChange
  1971  		}
  1973  		if index != nil && !bytes.Equal(old, {
  1974  			// The contents of the go.mod file have changed. In theory we could add all
  1975  			// of the new modules to the build list, recompute, and check whether any
  1976  			// module in *our* build list got bumped to a different version, but that's
  1977  			// a lot of work for marginal benefit. Instead, fail the command: if users
  1978  			// want to run concurrent commands, they need to start with a complete,
  1979  			// consistent module definition.
  1980  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("existing contents have changed since last read")
  1981  		}
  1983  		return updatedGoMod, nil
  1984  	})
  1986  	if err != nil && err != errNoChange {
  1987  		return fmt.Errorf("updating go.mod: %w", err)
  1988  	}
  1989  	return nil
  1990  }
  1992  // keepSums returns the set of modules (and go.mod file entries) for which
  1993  // checksums would be needed in order to reload the same set of packages
  1994  // loaded by the most recent call to LoadPackages or ImportFromFiles,
  1995  // including any go.mod files needed to reconstruct the MVS result
  1996  // or identify go versions,
  1997  // in addition to the checksums for every module in keepMods.
  1998  func keepSums(ctx context.Context, ld *loader, rs *Requirements, which whichSums) map[module.Version]bool {
  1999  	// Every module in the full module graph contributes its requirements,
  2000  	// so in order to ensure that the build list itself is reproducible,
  2001  	// we need sums for every go.mod in the graph (regardless of whether
  2002  	// that version is selected).
  2003  	keep := make(map[module.Version]bool)
  2005  	// Add entries for modules in the build list with paths that are prefixes of
  2006  	// paths of loaded packages. We need to retain sums for all of these modules —
  2007  	// not just the modules containing the actual packages — in order to rule out
  2008  	// ambiguous import errors the next time we load the package.
  2009  	keepModSumsForZipSums := true
  2010  	if ld == nil {
  2011  		if gover.Compare(MainModules.GoVersion(), gover.TidyGoModSumVersion) < 0 && cfg.BuildMod != "mod" {
  2012  			keepModSumsForZipSums = false
  2013  		}
  2014  	} else {
  2015  		keepPkgGoModSums := true
  2016  		if gover.Compare(ld.requirements.GoVersion(), gover.TidyGoModSumVersion) < 0 && (ld.Tidy || cfg.BuildMod != "mod") {
  2017  			keepPkgGoModSums = false
  2018  			keepModSumsForZipSums = false
  2019  		}
  2020  		for _, pkg := range ld.pkgs {
  2021  			// We check pkg.mod.Path here instead of pkg.inStd because the
  2022  			// pseudo-package "C" is not in std, but not provided by any module (and
  2023  			// shouldn't force loading the whole module graph).
  2024  			if pkg.testOf != nil || (pkg.mod.Path == "" && pkg.err == nil) || module.CheckImportPath(pkg.path) != nil {
  2025  				continue
  2026  			}
  2028  			// We need the checksum for the go.mod file for pkg.mod
  2029  			// so that we know what Go version to use to compile pkg.
  2030  			// However, we didn't do so before Go 1.21, and the bug is relatively
  2031  			// minor, so we maintain the previous (buggy) behavior in 'go mod tidy' to
  2032  			// avoid introducing unnecessary churn.
  2033  			if keepPkgGoModSums {
  2034  				r := resolveReplacement(pkg.mod)
  2035  				keep[modkey(r)] = true
  2036  			}
  2038  			if rs.pruning == pruned && pkg.mod.Path != "" {
  2039  				if v, ok := rs.rootSelected(pkg.mod.Path); ok && v == pkg.mod.Version {
  2040  					// pkg was loaded from a root module, and because the main module has
  2041  					// a pruned module graph we do not check non-root modules for
  2042  					// conflicts for packages that can be found in roots. So we only need
  2043  					// the checksums for the root modules that may contain pkg, not all
  2044  					// possible modules.
  2045  					for prefix := pkg.path; prefix != "."; prefix = path.Dir(prefix) {
  2046  						if v, ok := rs.rootSelected(prefix); ok && v != "none" {
  2047  							m := module.Version{Path: prefix, Version: v}
  2048  							r := resolveReplacement(m)
  2049  							keep[r] = true
  2050  						}
  2051  					}
  2052  					continue
  2053  				}
  2054  			}
  2056  			mg, _ := rs.Graph(ctx)
  2057  			for prefix := pkg.path; prefix != "."; prefix = path.Dir(prefix) {
  2058  				if v := mg.Selected(prefix); v != "none" {
  2059  					m := module.Version{Path: prefix, Version: v}
  2060  					r := resolveReplacement(m)
  2061  					keep[r] = true
  2062  				}
  2063  			}
  2064  		}
  2065  	}
  2067  	if rs.graph.Load() == nil {
  2068  		// We haven't needed to load the module graph so far.
  2069  		// Save sums for the root modules (or their replacements), but don't
  2070  		// incur the cost of loading the graph just to find and retain the sums.
  2071  		for _, m := range rs.rootModules {
  2072  			r := resolveReplacement(m)
  2073  			keep[modkey(r)] = true
  2074  			if which == addBuildListZipSums {
  2075  				keep[r] = true
  2076  			}
  2077  		}
  2078  	} else {
  2079  		mg, _ := rs.Graph(ctx)
  2080  		mg.WalkBreadthFirst(func(m module.Version) {
  2081  			if _, ok := mg.RequiredBy(m); ok {
  2082  				// The requirements from m's go.mod file are present in the module graph,
  2083  				// so they are relevant to the MVS result regardless of whether m was
  2084  				// actually selected.
  2085  				r := resolveReplacement(m)
  2086  				keep[modkey(r)] = true
  2087  			}
  2088  		})
  2090  		if which == addBuildListZipSums {
  2091  			for _, m := range mg.BuildList() {
  2092  				r := resolveReplacement(m)
  2093  				if keepModSumsForZipSums {
  2094  					keep[modkey(r)] = true // we need the go version from the go.mod file to do anything useful with the zipfile
  2095  				}
  2096  				keep[r] = true
  2097  			}
  2098  		}
  2099  	}
  2101  	return keep
  2102  }
  2104  type whichSums int8
  2106  const (
  2107  	loadedZipSumsOnly = whichSums(iota)
  2108  	addBuildListZipSums
  2109  )
  2111  // modkey returns the module.Version under which the checksum for m's go.mod
  2112  // file is stored in the go.sum file.
  2113  func modkey(m module.Version) module.Version {
  2114  	return module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: m.Version + "/go.mod"}
  2115  }
  2117  func suggestModulePath(path string) string {
  2118  	var m string
  2120  	i := len(path)
  2121  	for i > 0 && ('0' <= path[i-1] && path[i-1] <= '9' || path[i-1] == '.') {
  2122  		i--
  2123  	}
  2124  	url := path[:i]
  2125  	url = strings.TrimSuffix(url, "/v")
  2126  	url = strings.TrimSuffix(url, "/")
  2128  	f := func(c rune) bool {
  2129  		return c > '9' || c < '0'
  2130  	}
  2131  	s := strings.FieldsFunc(path[i:], f)
  2132  	if len(s) > 0 {
  2133  		m = s[0]
  2134  	}
  2135  	m = strings.TrimLeft(m, "0")
  2136  	if m == "" || m == "1" {
  2137  		return url + "/v2"
  2138  	}
  2140  	return url + "/v" + m
  2141  }
  2143  func suggestGopkgIn(path string) string {
  2144  	var m string
  2145  	i := len(path)
  2146  	for i > 0 && (('0' <= path[i-1] && path[i-1] <= '9') || (path[i-1] == '.')) {
  2147  		i--
  2148  	}
  2149  	url := path[:i]
  2150  	url = strings.TrimSuffix(url, ".v")
  2151  	url = strings.TrimSuffix(url, "/v")
  2152  	url = strings.TrimSuffix(url, "/")
  2154  	f := func(c rune) bool {
  2155  		return c > '9' || c < '0'
  2156  	}
  2157  	s := strings.FieldsFunc(path, f)
  2158  	if len(s) > 0 {
  2159  		m = s[0]
  2160  	}
  2162  	m = strings.TrimLeft(m, "0")
  2164  	if m == "" {
  2165  		return url + ".v1"
  2166  	}
  2167  	return url + ".v" + m
  2168  }
  2170  func CheckGodebug(verb, k, v string) error {
  2171  	if strings.ContainsAny(k, " \t") {
  2172  		return fmt.Errorf("key contains space")
  2173  	}
  2174  	if strings.ContainsAny(v, " \t") {
  2175  		return fmt.Errorf("value contains space")
  2176  	}
  2177  	if strings.ContainsAny(k, ",") {
  2178  		return fmt.Errorf("key contains comma")
  2179  	}
  2180  	if strings.ContainsAny(v, ",") {
  2181  		return fmt.Errorf("value contains comma")
  2182  	}
  2183  	if k == "default" {
  2184  		if !strings.HasPrefix(v, "go") || !gover.IsValid(v[len("go"):]) {
  2185  			return fmt.Errorf("value for default= must be goVERSION")
  2186  		}
  2187  		if gover.Compare(v[len("go"):], gover.Local()) > 0 {
  2188  			return fmt.Errorf("default=%s too new (toolchain is go%s)", v, gover.Local())
  2189  		}
  2190  		return nil
  2191  	}
  2192  	for _, info := range godebugs.All {
  2193  		if k == info.Name {
  2194  			return nil
  2195  		}
  2196  	}
  2197  	return fmt.Errorf("unknown %s %q", verb, k)
  2198  }

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