// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package scripttest import ( "cmd/internal/script" "fmt" "internal/buildcfg" "internal/platform" "internal/testenv" "runtime" "strings" "testing" ) // AddToolChainConditions accepts a script.Cond map and adds into it a // set of commonly used conditions for doing toolchains testing, // including whether the platform supports cgo, a buildmode condition, // support for GOEXPERIMENT testing, etc. Callers must also pass in // current GOHOSTOOS/GOHOSTARCH settings, since some of the conditions // introduced can be influenced by them. func AddToolChainScriptConditions(t *testing.T, conds map[string]script.Cond, goHostOS, goHostArch string) { add := func(name string, cond script.Cond) { if _, ok := conds[name]; ok { t.Fatalf("condition %q is already registered", name) } conds[name] = cond } lazyBool := func(summary string, f func() bool) script.Cond { return script.OnceCondition(summary, func() (bool, error) { return f(), nil }) } add("asan", sysCondition("-asan", platform.ASanSupported, true, goHostOS, goHostArch)) add("buildmode", script.PrefixCondition("go supports -buildmode=", hasBuildmode)) add("cgo", script.BoolCondition("host CGO_ENABLED", testenv.HasCGO())) add("cgolinkext", script.Condition("platform requires external linking for cgo", cgoLinkExt)) add("cross", script.BoolCondition("cmd/go GOOS/GOARCH != GOHOSTOS/GOHOSTARCH", goHostOS != runtime.GOOS || goHostArch != runtime.GOARCH)) add("fuzz", sysCondition("-fuzz", platform.FuzzSupported, false, goHostOS, goHostArch)) add("fuzz-instrumented", sysCondition("-fuzz with instrumentation", platform.FuzzInstrumented, false, goHostOS, goHostArch)) add("GODEBUG", script.PrefixCondition("GODEBUG contains ", hasGodebug)) add("GOEXPERIMENT", script.PrefixCondition("GOEXPERIMENT is enabled", hasGoexperiment)) add("go-builder", script.BoolCondition("GO_BUILDER_NAME is non-empty", testenv.Builder() != "")) add("link", lazyBool("testenv.HasLink()", testenv.HasLink)) add("msan", sysCondition("-msan", platform.MSanSupported, true, goHostOS, goHostArch)) add("mustlinkext", script.Condition("platform always requires external linking", mustLinkExt)) add("pielinkext", script.Condition("platform requires external linking for PIE", pieLinkExt)) add("race", sysCondition("-race", platform.RaceDetectorSupported, true, goHostOS, goHostArch)) add("symlink", lazyBool("testenv.HasSymlink()", testenv.HasSymlink)) } func sysCondition(flag string, f func(goos, goarch string) bool, needsCgo bool, goHostOS, goHostArch string) script.Cond { return script.Condition( "GOOS/GOARCH supports "+flag, func(s *script.State) (bool, error) { GOOS, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOOS") GOARCH, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOARCH") cross := goHostOS != GOOS || goHostArch != GOARCH return (!needsCgo || (testenv.HasCGO() && !cross)) && f(GOOS, GOARCH), nil }) } func hasBuildmode(s *script.State, mode string) (bool, error) { GOOS, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOOS") GOARCH, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOARCH") return platform.BuildModeSupported(runtime.Compiler, mode, GOOS, GOARCH), nil } func cgoLinkExt(s *script.State) (bool, error) { GOOS, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOOS") GOARCH, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOARCH") return platform.MustLinkExternal(GOOS, GOARCH, true), nil } func mustLinkExt(s *script.State) (bool, error) { GOOS, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOOS") GOARCH, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOARCH") return platform.MustLinkExternal(GOOS, GOARCH, false), nil } func pieLinkExt(s *script.State) (bool, error) { GOOS, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOOS") GOARCH, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOARCH") return !platform.InternalLinkPIESupported(GOOS, GOARCH), nil } func hasGodebug(s *script.State, value string) (bool, error) { godebug, _ := s.LookupEnv("GODEBUG") for _, p := range strings.Split(godebug, ",") { if strings.TrimSpace(p) == value { return true, nil } } return false, nil } func hasGoexperiment(s *script.State, value string) (bool, error) { GOOS, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOOS") GOARCH, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOARCH") goexp, _ := s.LookupEnv("GOEXPERIMENT") flags, err := buildcfg.ParseGOEXPERIMENT(GOOS, GOARCH, goexp) if err != nil { return false, err } for _, exp := range flags.All() { if value == exp { return true, nil } if strings.TrimPrefix(value, "no") == strings.TrimPrefix(exp, "no") { return false, nil } } return false, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized GOEXPERIMENT %q", value) }