Source file src/cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata/reflect.go

     1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package reflectdata
     7  import (
     8  	"encoding/binary"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"internal/abi"
    11  	"internal/buildcfg"
    12  	"os"
    13  	"slices"
    14  	"sort"
    15  	"strings"
    16  	"sync"
    18  	"cmd/compile/internal/base"
    19  	"cmd/compile/internal/bitvec"
    20  	"cmd/compile/internal/compare"
    21  	"cmd/compile/internal/ir"
    22  	"cmd/compile/internal/objw"
    23  	"cmd/compile/internal/rttype"
    24  	"cmd/compile/internal/staticdata"
    25  	"cmd/compile/internal/typebits"
    26  	"cmd/compile/internal/typecheck"
    27  	"cmd/compile/internal/types"
    28  	"cmd/internal/gcprog"
    29  	"cmd/internal/obj"
    30  	"cmd/internal/objabi"
    31  	"cmd/internal/src"
    32  )
    34  type ptabEntry struct {
    35  	s *types.Sym
    36  	t *types.Type
    37  }
    39  // runtime interface and reflection data structures
    40  var (
    41  	// protects signatset and signatslice
    42  	signatmu sync.Mutex
    43  	// Tracking which types need runtime type descriptor
    44  	signatset = make(map[*types.Type]struct{})
    45  	// Queue of types wait to be generated runtime type descriptor
    46  	signatslice []typeAndStr
    48  	gcsymmu  sync.Mutex // protects gcsymset and gcsymslice
    49  	gcsymset = make(map[*types.Type]struct{})
    50  )
    52  type typeSig struct {
    53  	name  *types.Sym
    54  	isym  *obj.LSym
    55  	tsym  *obj.LSym
    56  	type_ *types.Type
    57  	mtype *types.Type
    58  }
    60  func commonSize() int { return int(rttype.Type.Size()) } // Sizeof(runtime._type{})
    62  func uncommonSize(t *types.Type) int { // Sizeof(runtime.uncommontype{})
    63  	if t.Sym() == nil && len(methods(t)) == 0 {
    64  		return 0
    65  	}
    66  	return int(rttype.UncommonType.Size())
    67  }
    69  func makefield(name string, t *types.Type) *types.Field {
    70  	sym := (*types.Pkg)(nil).Lookup(name)
    71  	return types.NewField(src.NoXPos, sym, t)
    72  }
    74  // methods returns the methods of the non-interface type t, sorted by name.
    75  // Generates stub functions as needed.
    76  func methods(t *types.Type) []*typeSig {
    77  	if t.HasShape() {
    78  		// Shape types have no methods.
    79  		return nil
    80  	}
    81  	// method type
    82  	mt := types.ReceiverBaseType(t)
    84  	if mt == nil {
    85  		return nil
    86  	}
    87  	typecheck.CalcMethods(mt)
    89  	// make list of methods for t,
    90  	// generating code if necessary.
    91  	var ms []*typeSig
    92  	for _, f := range mt.AllMethods() {
    93  		if f.Sym == nil {
    94  			base.Fatalf("method with no sym on %v", mt)
    95  		}
    96  		if !f.IsMethod() {
    97  			base.Fatalf("non-method on %v method %v %v", mt, f.Sym, f)
    98  		}
    99  		if f.Type.Recv() == nil {
   100  			base.Fatalf("receiver with no type on %v method %v %v", mt, f.Sym, f)
   101  		}
   102  		if f.Nointerface() && !t.IsFullyInstantiated() {
   103  			// Skip creating method wrappers if f is nointerface. But, if
   104  			// t is an instantiated type, we still have to call
   105  			// methodWrapper, because methodWrapper generates the actual
   106  			// generic method on the type as well.
   107  			continue
   108  		}
   110  		// get receiver type for this particular method.
   111  		// if pointer receiver but non-pointer t and
   112  		// this is not an embedded pointer inside a struct,
   113  		// method does not apply.
   114  		if !types.IsMethodApplicable(t, f) {
   115  			continue
   116  		}
   118  		sig := &typeSig{
   119  			name:  f.Sym,
   120  			isym:  methodWrapper(t, f, true),
   121  			tsym:  methodWrapper(t, f, false),
   122  			type_: typecheck.NewMethodType(f.Type, t),
   123  			mtype: typecheck.NewMethodType(f.Type, nil),
   124  		}
   125  		if f.Nointerface() {
   126  			// In the case of a nointerface method on an instantiated
   127  			// type, don't actually append the typeSig.
   128  			continue
   129  		}
   130  		ms = append(ms, sig)
   131  	}
   133  	return ms
   134  }
   136  // imethods returns the methods of the interface type t, sorted by name.
   137  func imethods(t *types.Type) []*typeSig {
   138  	var methods []*typeSig
   139  	for _, f := range t.AllMethods() {
   140  		if f.Type.Kind() != types.TFUNC || f.Sym == nil {
   141  			continue
   142  		}
   143  		if f.Sym.IsBlank() {
   144  			base.Fatalf("unexpected blank symbol in interface method set")
   145  		}
   146  		if n := len(methods); n > 0 {
   147  			last := methods[n-1]
   148  			if ! {
   149  				base.Fatalf("sigcmp vs sortinter %v %v",, f.Sym)
   150  			}
   151  		}
   153  		sig := &typeSig{
   154  			name:  f.Sym,
   155  			mtype: f.Type,
   156  			type_: typecheck.NewMethodType(f.Type, nil),
   157  		}
   158  		methods = append(methods, sig)
   160  		// NOTE(rsc): Perhaps an oversight that
   161  		// IfaceType.Method is not in the reflect data.
   162  		// Generate the method body, so that compiled
   163  		// code can refer to it.
   164  		methodWrapper(t, f, false)
   165  	}
   167  	return methods
   168  }
   170  func dimportpath(p *types.Pkg) {
   171  	if p.Pathsym != nil {
   172  		return
   173  	}
   175  	if p == types.LocalPkg && base.Ctxt.Pkgpath == "" {
   176  		panic("missing pkgpath")
   177  	}
   179  	// If we are compiling the runtime package, there are two runtime packages around
   180  	// -- localpkg and Pkgs.Runtime. We don't want to produce import path symbols for
   181  	// both of them, so just produce one for localpkg.
   182  	if base.Ctxt.Pkgpath == "runtime" && p == ir.Pkgs.Runtime {
   183  		return
   184  	}
   186  	s := base.Ctxt.Lookup("type:.importpath." + p.Prefix + ".")
   187  	ot := dnameData(s, 0, p.Path, "", nil, false, false)
   188  	objw.Global(s, int32(ot), obj.DUPOK|obj.RODATA)
   189  	s.Set(obj.AttrContentAddressable, true)
   190  	p.Pathsym = s
   191  }
   193  func dgopkgpath(c rttype.Cursor, pkg *types.Pkg) {
   194  	c = c.Field("Bytes")
   195  	if pkg == nil {
   196  		c.WritePtr(nil)
   197  		return
   198  	}
   200  	dimportpath(pkg)
   201  	c.WritePtr(pkg.Pathsym)
   202  }
   204  // dgopkgpathOff writes an offset relocation to the pkg path symbol to c.
   205  func dgopkgpathOff(c rttype.Cursor, pkg *types.Pkg) {
   206  	if pkg == nil {
   207  		c.WriteInt32(0)
   208  		return
   209  	}
   211  	dimportpath(pkg)
   212  	c.WriteSymPtrOff(pkg.Pathsym, false)
   213  }
   215  // dnameField dumps a for a struct field.
   216  func dnameField(c rttype.Cursor, spkg *types.Pkg, ft *types.Field) {
   217  	if !types.IsExported(ft.Sym.Name) && ft.Sym.Pkg != spkg {
   218  		base.Fatalf("package mismatch for %v", ft.Sym)
   219  	}
   220  	nsym := dname(ft.Sym.Name, ft.Note, nil, types.IsExported(ft.Sym.Name), ft.Embedded != 0)
   221  	c.Field("Bytes").WritePtr(nsym)
   222  }
   224  // dnameData writes the contents of a into s at offset ot.
   225  func dnameData(s *obj.LSym, ot int, name, tag string, pkg *types.Pkg, exported, embedded bool) int {
   226  	if len(name) >= 1<<29 {
   227  		base.Fatalf("name too long: %d %s...", len(name), name[:1024])
   228  	}
   229  	if len(tag) >= 1<<29 {
   230  		base.Fatalf("tag too long: %d %s...", len(tag), tag[:1024])
   231  	}
   232  	var nameLen [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
   233  	nameLenLen := binary.PutUvarint(nameLen[:], uint64(len(name)))
   234  	var tagLen [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
   235  	tagLenLen := binary.PutUvarint(tagLen[:], uint64(len(tag)))
   237  	// Encode name and tag. See reflect/type.go for details.
   238  	var bits byte
   239  	l := 1 + nameLenLen + len(name)
   240  	if exported {
   241  		bits |= 1 << 0
   242  	}
   243  	if len(tag) > 0 {
   244  		l += tagLenLen + len(tag)
   245  		bits |= 1 << 1
   246  	}
   247  	if pkg != nil {
   248  		bits |= 1 << 2
   249  	}
   250  	if embedded {
   251  		bits |= 1 << 3
   252  	}
   253  	b := make([]byte, l)
   254  	b[0] = bits
   255  	copy(b[1:], nameLen[:nameLenLen])
   256  	copy(b[1+nameLenLen:], name)
   257  	if len(tag) > 0 {
   258  		tb := b[1+nameLenLen+len(name):]
   259  		copy(tb, tagLen[:tagLenLen])
   260  		copy(tb[tagLenLen:], tag)
   261  	}
   263  	ot = int(s.WriteBytes(base.Ctxt, int64(ot), b))
   265  	if pkg != nil {
   266  		c := rttype.NewCursor(s, int64(ot), types.Types[types.TUINT32])
   267  		dgopkgpathOff(c, pkg)
   268  		ot += 4
   269  	}
   271  	return ot
   272  }
   274  var dnameCount int
   276  // dname creates a for a struct field or method.
   277  func dname(name, tag string, pkg *types.Pkg, exported, embedded bool) *obj.LSym {
   278  	// Write out data as "type:." to signal two things to the
   279  	// linker, first that when dynamically linking, the symbol
   280  	// should be moved to a relro section, and second that the
   281  	// contents should not be decoded as a type.
   282  	sname := "type:.namedata."
   283  	if pkg == nil {
   284  		// In the common case, share data with other packages.
   285  		if name == "" {
   286  			if exported {
   287  				sname += "-noname-exported." + tag
   288  			} else {
   289  				sname += "-noname-unexported." + tag
   290  			}
   291  		} else {
   292  			if exported {
   293  				sname += name + "." + tag
   294  			} else {
   295  				sname += name + "-" + tag
   296  			}
   297  		}
   298  	} else {
   299  		// TODO(mdempsky): We should be able to share these too (except
   300  		// maybe when dynamic linking).
   301  		sname = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.%d", sname, types.LocalPkg.Prefix, dnameCount)
   302  		dnameCount++
   303  	}
   304  	if embedded {
   305  		sname += ".embedded"
   306  	}
   307  	s := base.Ctxt.Lookup(sname)
   308  	if len(s.P) > 0 {
   309  		return s
   310  	}
   311  	ot := dnameData(s, 0, name, tag, pkg, exported, embedded)
   312  	objw.Global(s, int32(ot), obj.DUPOK|obj.RODATA)
   313  	s.Set(obj.AttrContentAddressable, true)
   314  	return s
   315  }
   317  // dextratype dumps the fields of a runtime.uncommontype.
   318  // dataAdd is the offset in bytes after the header where the
   319  // backing array of the []method field should be written.
   320  func dextratype(lsym *obj.LSym, off int64, t *types.Type, dataAdd int) {
   321  	m := methods(t)
   322  	if t.Sym() == nil && len(m) == 0 {
   323  		base.Fatalf("extra requested of type with no extra info %v", t)
   324  	}
   325  	noff := types.RoundUp(off, int64(types.PtrSize))
   326  	if noff != off {
   327  		base.Fatalf("unexpected alignment in dextratype for %v", t)
   328  	}
   330  	for _, a := range m {
   331  		writeType(a.type_)
   332  	}
   334  	c := rttype.NewCursor(lsym, off, rttype.UncommonType)
   335  	dgopkgpathOff(c.Field("PkgPath"), typePkg(t))
   337  	dataAdd += uncommonSize(t)
   338  	mcount := len(m)
   339  	if mcount != int(uint16(mcount)) {
   340  		base.Fatalf("too many methods on %v: %d", t, mcount)
   341  	}
   342  	xcount := sort.Search(mcount, func(i int) bool { return !types.IsExported(m[i].name.Name) })
   343  	if dataAdd != int(uint32(dataAdd)) {
   344  		base.Fatalf("methods are too far away on %v: %d", t, dataAdd)
   345  	}
   347  	c.Field("Mcount").WriteUint16(uint16(mcount))
   348  	c.Field("Xcount").WriteUint16(uint16(xcount))
   349  	c.Field("Moff").WriteUint32(uint32(dataAdd))
   350  	// Note: there is an unused uint32 field here.
   352  	// Write the backing array for the []method field.
   353  	array := rttype.NewArrayCursor(lsym, off+int64(dataAdd), rttype.Method, mcount)
   354  	for i, a := range m {
   355  		exported := types.IsExported(
   356  		var pkg *types.Pkg
   357  		if !exported && != typePkg(t) {
   358  			pkg =
   359  		}
   360  		nsym := dname(, "", pkg, exported, false)
   362  		e := array.Elem(i)
   363  		e.Field("Name").WriteSymPtrOff(nsym, false)
   364  		dmethodptrOff(e.Field("Mtyp"), writeType(a.mtype))
   365  		dmethodptrOff(e.Field("Ifn"), a.isym)
   366  		dmethodptrOff(e.Field("Tfn"), a.tsym)
   367  	}
   368  }
   370  func typePkg(t *types.Type) *types.Pkg {
   371  	tsym := t.Sym()
   372  	if tsym == nil {
   373  		switch t.Kind() {
   374  		case types.TARRAY, types.TSLICE, types.TPTR, types.TCHAN:
   375  			if t.Elem() != nil {
   376  				tsym = t.Elem().Sym()
   377  			}
   378  		}
   379  	}
   380  	if tsym != nil && tsym.Pkg != types.BuiltinPkg {
   381  		return tsym.Pkg
   382  	}
   383  	return nil
   384  }
   386  func dmethodptrOff(c rttype.Cursor, x *obj.LSym) {
   387  	c.WriteInt32(0)
   388  	c.Reloc(obj.Reloc{Type: objabi.R_METHODOFF, Sym: x})
   389  }
   391  var kinds = []abi.Kind{
   392  	types.TINT:        abi.Int,
   393  	types.TUINT:       abi.Uint,
   394  	types.TINT8:       abi.Int8,
   395  	types.TUINT8:      abi.Uint8,
   396  	types.TINT16:      abi.Int16,
   397  	types.TUINT16:     abi.Uint16,
   398  	types.TINT32:      abi.Int32,
   399  	types.TUINT32:     abi.Uint32,
   400  	types.TINT64:      abi.Int64,
   401  	types.TUINT64:     abi.Uint64,
   402  	types.TUINTPTR:    abi.Uintptr,
   403  	types.TFLOAT32:    abi.Float32,
   404  	types.TFLOAT64:    abi.Float64,
   405  	types.TBOOL:       abi.Bool,
   406  	types.TSTRING:     abi.String,
   407  	types.TPTR:        abi.Pointer,
   408  	types.TSTRUCT:     abi.Struct,
   409  	types.TINTER:      abi.Interface,
   410  	types.TCHAN:       abi.Chan,
   411  	types.TMAP:        abi.Map,
   412  	types.TARRAY:      abi.Array,
   413  	types.TSLICE:      abi.Slice,
   414  	types.TFUNC:       abi.Func,
   415  	types.TCOMPLEX64:  abi.Complex64,
   416  	types.TCOMPLEX128: abi.Complex128,
   417  	types.TUNSAFEPTR:  abi.UnsafePointer,
   418  }
   420  var (
   421  	memhashvarlen  *obj.LSym
   422  	memequalvarlen *obj.LSym
   423  )
   425  // dcommontype dumps the contents of a reflect.rtype (runtime._type) to c.
   426  func dcommontype(c rttype.Cursor, t *types.Type) {
   427  	types.CalcSize(t)
   428  	eqfunc := geneq(t)
   430  	sptrWeak := true
   431  	var sptr *obj.LSym
   432  	if !t.IsPtr() || t.IsPtrElem() {
   433  		tptr := types.NewPtr(t)
   434  		if t.Sym() != nil || methods(tptr) != nil {
   435  			sptrWeak = false
   436  		}
   437  		sptr = writeType(tptr)
   438  	}
   440  	gcsym, useGCProg, ptrdata := dgcsym(t, true)
   441  	delete(gcsymset, t)
   443  	// ../../../../reflect/type.go:/^type.rtype
   444  	// actual type structure
   445  	//	type rtype struct {
   446  	//		size          uintptr
   447  	//		ptrdata       uintptr
   448  	//		hash          uint32
   449  	//		tflag         tflag
   450  	//		align         uint8
   451  	//		fieldAlign    uint8
   452  	//		kind          uint8
   453  	//		equal         func(unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer) bool
   454  	//		gcdata        *byte
   455  	//		str           nameOff
   456  	//		ptrToThis     typeOff
   457  	//	}
   458  	c.Field("Size_").WriteUintptr(uint64(t.Size()))
   459  	c.Field("PtrBytes").WriteUintptr(uint64(ptrdata))
   460  	c.Field("Hash").WriteUint32(types.TypeHash(t))
   462  	var tflag abi.TFlag
   463  	if uncommonSize(t) != 0 {
   464  		tflag |= abi.TFlagUncommon
   465  	}
   466  	if t.Sym() != nil && t.Sym().Name != "" {
   467  		tflag |= abi.TFlagNamed
   468  	}
   469  	if compare.IsRegularMemory(t) {
   470  		tflag |= abi.TFlagRegularMemory
   471  	}
   473  	exported := false
   474  	p := t.NameString()
   475  	// If we're writing out type T,
   476  	// we are very likely to write out type *T as well.
   477  	// Use the string "*T"[1:] for "T", so that the two
   478  	// share storage. This is a cheap way to reduce the
   479  	// amount of space taken up by reflect strings.
   480  	if !strings.HasPrefix(p, "*") {
   481  		p = "*" + p
   482  		tflag |= abi.TFlagExtraStar
   483  		if t.Sym() != nil {
   484  			exported = types.IsExported(t.Sym().Name)
   485  		}
   486  	} else {
   487  		if t.Elem() != nil && t.Elem().Sym() != nil {
   488  			exported = types.IsExported(t.Elem().Sym().Name)
   489  		}
   490  	}
   492  	if tflag != abi.TFlag(uint8(tflag)) {
   493  		// this should optimize away completely
   494  		panic("Unexpected change in size of abi.TFlag")
   495  	}
   496  	c.Field("TFlag").WriteUint8(uint8(tflag))
   498  	// runtime (and common sense) expects alignment to be a power of two.
   499  	i := int(uint8(t.Alignment()))
   501  	if i == 0 {
   502  		i = 1
   503  	}
   504  	if i&(i-1) != 0 {
   505  		base.Fatalf("invalid alignment %d for %v", uint8(t.Alignment()), t)
   506  	}
   507  	c.Field("Align_").WriteUint8(uint8(t.Alignment()))
   508  	c.Field("FieldAlign_").WriteUint8(uint8(t.Alignment()))
   510  	kind := kinds[t.Kind()]
   511  	if types.IsDirectIface(t) {
   512  		kind |= abi.KindDirectIface
   513  	}
   514  	if useGCProg {
   515  		kind |= abi.KindGCProg
   516  	}
   517  	c.Field("Kind_").WriteUint8(uint8(kind))
   519  	c.Field("Equal").WritePtr(eqfunc)
   520  	c.Field("GCData").WritePtr(gcsym)
   522  	nsym := dname(p, "", nil, exported, false)
   523  	c.Field("Str").WriteSymPtrOff(nsym, false)
   524  	c.Field("PtrToThis").WriteSymPtrOff(sptr, sptrWeak)
   525  }
   527  // TrackSym returns the symbol for tracking use of field/method f, assumed
   528  // to be a member of struct/interface type t.
   529  func TrackSym(t *types.Type, f *types.Field) *obj.LSym {
   530  	return base.PkgLinksym("go:track", t.LinkString()+"."+f.Sym.Name, obj.ABI0)
   531  }
   533  func TypeSymPrefix(prefix string, t *types.Type) *types.Sym {
   534  	p := prefix + "." + t.LinkString()
   535  	s := types.TypeSymLookup(p)
   537  	// This function is for looking up type-related generated functions
   538  	// (e.g. eq and hash). Make sure they are indeed generated.
   539  	signatmu.Lock()
   540  	NeedRuntimeType(t)
   541  	signatmu.Unlock()
   543  	//print("algsym: %s -> %+S\n", p, s);
   545  	return s
   546  }
   548  func TypeSym(t *types.Type) *types.Sym {
   549  	if t == nil || (t.IsPtr() && t.Elem() == nil) || t.IsUntyped() {
   550  		base.Fatalf("TypeSym %v", t)
   551  	}
   552  	if t.Kind() == types.TFUNC && t.Recv() != nil {
   553  		base.Fatalf("misuse of method type: %v", t)
   554  	}
   555  	s := types.TypeSym(t)
   556  	signatmu.Lock()
   557  	NeedRuntimeType(t)
   558  	signatmu.Unlock()
   559  	return s
   560  }
   562  func TypeLinksymPrefix(prefix string, t *types.Type) *obj.LSym {
   563  	return TypeSymPrefix(prefix, t).Linksym()
   564  }
   566  func TypeLinksymLookup(name string) *obj.LSym {
   567  	return types.TypeSymLookup(name).Linksym()
   568  }
   570  func TypeLinksym(t *types.Type) *obj.LSym {
   571  	lsym := TypeSym(t).Linksym()
   572  	signatmu.Lock()
   573  	if lsym.Extra == nil {
   574  		ti := lsym.NewTypeInfo()
   575  		ti.Type = t
   576  	}
   577  	signatmu.Unlock()
   578  	return lsym
   579  }
   581  // TypePtrAt returns an expression that evaluates to the
   582  // *runtime._type value for t.
   583  func TypePtrAt(pos src.XPos, t *types.Type) *ir.AddrExpr {
   584  	return typecheck.LinksymAddr(pos, TypeLinksym(t), types.Types[types.TUINT8])
   585  }
   587  // ITabLsym returns the LSym representing the itab for concrete type typ implementing
   588  // interface iface. A dummy tab will be created in the unusual case where typ doesn't
   589  // implement iface. Normally, this wouldn't happen, because the typechecker would
   590  // have reported a compile-time error. This situation can only happen when the
   591  // destination type of a type assert or a type in a type switch is parameterized, so
   592  // it may sometimes, but not always, be a type that can't implement the specified
   593  // interface.
   594  func ITabLsym(typ, iface *types.Type) *obj.LSym {
   595  	s, existed := ir.Pkgs.Itab.LookupOK(typ.LinkString() + "," + iface.LinkString())
   596  	lsym := s.Linksym()
   598  	if !existed {
   599  		writeITab(lsym, typ, iface, true)
   600  	}
   601  	return lsym
   602  }
   604  // ITabAddrAt returns an expression that evaluates to the
   605  // *runtime.itab value for concrete type typ implementing interface
   606  // iface.
   607  func ITabAddrAt(pos src.XPos, typ, iface *types.Type) *ir.AddrExpr {
   608  	s, existed := ir.Pkgs.Itab.LookupOK(typ.LinkString() + "," + iface.LinkString())
   609  	lsym := s.Linksym()
   611  	if !existed {
   612  		writeITab(lsym, typ, iface, false)
   613  	}
   615  	return typecheck.LinksymAddr(pos, lsym, types.Types[types.TUINT8])
   616  }
   618  // needkeyupdate reports whether map updates with t as a key
   619  // need the key to be updated.
   620  func needkeyupdate(t *types.Type) bool {
   621  	switch t.Kind() {
   622  	case types.TBOOL, types.TINT, types.TUINT, types.TINT8, types.TUINT8, types.TINT16, types.TUINT16, types.TINT32, types.TUINT32,
   623  		types.TINT64, types.TUINT64, types.TUINTPTR, types.TPTR, types.TUNSAFEPTR, types.TCHAN:
   624  		return false
   626  	case types.TFLOAT32, types.TFLOAT64, types.TCOMPLEX64, types.TCOMPLEX128, // floats and complex can be +0/-0
   627  		types.TINTER,
   628  		types.TSTRING: // strings might have smaller backing stores
   629  		return true
   631  	case types.TARRAY:
   632  		return needkeyupdate(t.Elem())
   634  	case types.TSTRUCT:
   635  		for _, t1 := range t.Fields() {
   636  			if needkeyupdate(t1.Type) {
   637  				return true
   638  			}
   639  		}
   640  		return false
   642  	default:
   643  		base.Fatalf("bad type for map key: %v", t)
   644  		return true
   645  	}
   646  }
   648  // hashMightPanic reports whether the hash of a map key of type t might panic.
   649  func hashMightPanic(t *types.Type) bool {
   650  	switch t.Kind() {
   651  	case types.TINTER:
   652  		return true
   654  	case types.TARRAY:
   655  		return hashMightPanic(t.Elem())
   657  	case types.TSTRUCT:
   658  		for _, t1 := range t.Fields() {
   659  			if hashMightPanic(t1.Type) {
   660  				return true
   661  			}
   662  		}
   663  		return false
   665  	default:
   666  		return false
   667  	}
   668  }
   670  // formalType replaces predeclared aliases with real types.
   671  // They've been separate internally to make error messages
   672  // better, but we have to merge them in the reflect tables.
   673  func formalType(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
   674  	switch t {
   675  	case types.AnyType, types.ByteType, types.RuneType:
   676  		return types.Types[t.Kind()]
   677  	}
   678  	return t
   679  }
   681  func writeType(t *types.Type) *obj.LSym {
   682  	t = formalType(t)
   683  	if t.IsUntyped() {
   684  		base.Fatalf("writeType %v", t)
   685  	}
   687  	s := types.TypeSym(t)
   688  	lsym := s.Linksym()
   690  	// special case (look for runtime below):
   691  	// when compiling package runtime,
   692  	// emit the type structures for int, float, etc.
   693  	tbase := t
   694  	if t.IsPtr() && t.Sym() == nil && t.Elem().Sym() != nil {
   695  		tbase = t.Elem()
   696  	}
   697  	if tbase.Kind() == types.TFORW {
   698  		base.Fatalf("unresolved defined type: %v", tbase)
   699  	}
   701  	// This is a fake type we generated for our builtin pseudo-runtime
   702  	// package. We'll emit a description for the real type while
   703  	// compiling package runtime, so we don't need or want to emit one
   704  	// from this fake type.
   705  	if sym := tbase.Sym(); sym != nil && sym.Pkg == ir.Pkgs.Runtime {
   706  		return lsym
   707  	}
   709  	if s.Siggen() {
   710  		return lsym
   711  	}
   712  	s.SetSiggen(true)
   714  	if !NeedEmit(tbase) {
   715  		if i := typecheck.BaseTypeIndex(t); i >= 0 {
   716  			lsym.Pkg = tbase.Sym().Pkg.Prefix
   717  			lsym.SymIdx = int32(i)
   718  			lsym.Set(obj.AttrIndexed, true)
   719  		}
   721  		// TODO(mdempsky): Investigate whether this still happens.
   722  		// If we know we don't need to emit code for a type,
   723  		// we should have a link-symbol index for it.
   724  		// See also TODO in NeedEmit.
   725  		return lsym
   726  	}
   728  	// Type layout                          Written by               Marker
   729  	// +--------------------------------+                            - 0
   730  	// | abi/internal.Type              |   dcommontype
   731  	// +--------------------------------+                            - A
   732  	// | additional type-dependent      |   code in the switch below
   733  	// | fields, e.g.                   |
   734  	// | abi/internal.ArrayType.Len     |
   735  	// +--------------------------------+                            - B
   736  	// | internal/abi.UncommonType      |   dextratype
   737  	// | This section is optional,      |
   738  	// | if type has a name or methods  |
   739  	// +--------------------------------+                            - C
   740  	// | variable-length data           |   code in the switch below
   741  	// | referenced by                  |
   742  	// | type-dependent fields, e.g.    |
   743  	// | abi/internal.StructType.Fields |
   744  	// | dataAdd = size of this section |
   745  	// +--------------------------------+                            - D
   746  	// | method list, if any            |   dextratype
   747  	// +--------------------------------+                            - E
   749  	// UncommonType section is included if we have a name or a method.
   750  	extra := t.Sym() != nil || len(methods(t)) != 0
   752  	// Decide the underlying type of the descriptor, and remember
   753  	// the size we need for variable-length data.
   754  	var rt *types.Type
   755  	dataAdd := 0
   756  	switch t.Kind() {
   757  	default:
   758  		rt = rttype.Type
   759  	case types.TARRAY:
   760  		rt = rttype.ArrayType
   761  	case types.TSLICE:
   762  		rt = rttype.SliceType
   763  	case types.TCHAN:
   764  		rt = rttype.ChanType
   765  	case types.TFUNC:
   766  		rt = rttype.FuncType
   767  		dataAdd = (t.NumRecvs() + t.NumParams() + t.NumResults()) * types.PtrSize
   768  	case types.TINTER:
   769  		rt = rttype.InterfaceType
   770  		dataAdd = len(imethods(t)) * int(rttype.IMethod.Size())
   771  	case types.TMAP:
   772  		if buildcfg.Experiment.SwissMap {
   773  			rt = rttype.SwissMapType
   774  		} else {
   775  			rt = rttype.OldMapType
   776  		}
   777  	case types.TPTR:
   778  		rt = rttype.PtrType
   779  		// TODO: use rttype.Type for Elem() is ANY?
   780  	case types.TSTRUCT:
   781  		rt = rttype.StructType
   782  		dataAdd = t.NumFields() * int(rttype.StructField.Size())
   783  	}
   785  	// Compute offsets of each section.
   786  	B := rt.Size()
   787  	C := B
   788  	if extra {
   789  		C = B + rttype.UncommonType.Size()
   790  	}
   791  	D := C + int64(dataAdd)
   792  	E := D + int64(len(methods(t)))*rttype.Method.Size()
   794  	// Write the runtime._type
   795  	c := rttype.NewCursor(lsym, 0, rt)
   796  	if rt == rttype.Type {
   797  		dcommontype(c, t)
   798  	} else {
   799  		dcommontype(c.Field("Type"), t)
   800  	}
   802  	// Write additional type-specific data
   803  	// (Both the fixed size and variable-sized sections.)
   804  	switch t.Kind() {
   805  	case types.TARRAY:
   806  		// internal/abi.ArrayType
   807  		s1 := writeType(t.Elem())
   808  		t2 := types.NewSlice(t.Elem())
   809  		s2 := writeType(t2)
   810  		c.Field("Elem").WritePtr(s1)
   811  		c.Field("Slice").WritePtr(s2)
   812  		c.Field("Len").WriteUintptr(uint64(t.NumElem()))
   814  	case types.TSLICE:
   815  		// internal/abi.SliceType
   816  		s1 := writeType(t.Elem())
   817  		c.Field("Elem").WritePtr(s1)
   819  	case types.TCHAN:
   820  		// internal/abi.ChanType
   821  		s1 := writeType(t.Elem())
   822  		c.Field("Elem").WritePtr(s1)
   823  		c.Field("Dir").WriteInt(int64(t.ChanDir()))
   825  	case types.TFUNC:
   826  		// internal/abi.FuncType
   827  		for _, t1 := range t.RecvParamsResults() {
   828  			writeType(t1.Type)
   829  		}
   830  		inCount := t.NumRecvs() + t.NumParams()
   831  		outCount := t.NumResults()
   832  		if t.IsVariadic() {
   833  			outCount |= 1 << 15
   834  		}
   836  		c.Field("InCount").WriteUint16(uint16(inCount))
   837  		c.Field("OutCount").WriteUint16(uint16(outCount))
   839  		// Array of rtype pointers follows funcType.
   840  		typs := t.RecvParamsResults()
   841  		array := rttype.NewArrayCursor(lsym, C, types.Types[types.TUNSAFEPTR], len(typs))
   842  		for i, t1 := range typs {
   843  			array.Elem(i).WritePtr(writeType(t1.Type))
   844  		}
   846  	case types.TINTER:
   847  		// internal/abi.InterfaceType
   848  		m := imethods(t)
   849  		n := len(m)
   850  		for _, a := range m {
   851  			writeType(a.type_)
   852  		}
   854  		var tpkg *types.Pkg
   855  		if t.Sym() != nil && t != types.Types[t.Kind()] && t != types.ErrorType {
   856  			tpkg = t.Sym().Pkg
   857  		}
   858  		dgopkgpath(c.Field("PkgPath"), tpkg)
   859  		c.Field("Methods").WriteSlice(lsym, C, int64(n), int64(n))
   861  		array := rttype.NewArrayCursor(lsym, C, rttype.IMethod, n)
   862  		for i, a := range m {
   863  			exported := types.IsExported(
   864  			var pkg *types.Pkg
   865  			if !exported && != tpkg {
   866  				pkg =
   867  			}
   868  			nsym := dname(, "", pkg, exported, false)
   870  			e := array.Elem(i)
   871  			e.Field("Name").WriteSymPtrOff(nsym, false)
   872  			e.Field("Typ").WriteSymPtrOff(writeType(a.type_), false)
   873  		}
   875  	case types.TMAP:
   876  		if buildcfg.Experiment.SwissMap {
   877  			writeSwissMapType(t, lsym, c)
   878  		} else {
   879  			writeOldMapType(t, lsym, c)
   880  		}
   882  	case types.TPTR:
   883  		// internal/abi.PtrType
   884  		if t.Elem().Kind() == types.TANY {
   885  			base.Fatalf("bad pointer base type")
   886  		}
   888  		s1 := writeType(t.Elem())
   889  		c.Field("Elem").WritePtr(s1)
   891  	case types.TSTRUCT:
   892  		// internal/abi.StructType
   893  		fields := t.Fields()
   894  		for _, t1 := range fields {
   895  			writeType(t1.Type)
   896  		}
   898  		// All non-exported struct field names within a struct
   899  		// type must originate from a single package. By
   900  		// identifying and recording that package within the
   901  		// struct type descriptor, we can omit that
   902  		// information from the field descriptors.
   903  		var spkg *types.Pkg
   904  		for _, f := range fields {
   905  			if !types.IsExported(f.Sym.Name) {
   906  				spkg = f.Sym.Pkg
   907  				break
   908  			}
   909  		}
   911  		dgopkgpath(c.Field("PkgPath"), spkg)
   912  		c.Field("Fields").WriteSlice(lsym, C, int64(len(fields)), int64(len(fields)))
   914  		array := rttype.NewArrayCursor(lsym, C, rttype.StructField, len(fields))
   915  		for i, f := range fields {
   916  			e := array.Elem(i)
   917  			dnameField(e.Field("Name"), spkg, f)
   918  			e.Field("Typ").WritePtr(writeType(f.Type))
   919  			e.Field("Offset").WriteUintptr(uint64(f.Offset))
   920  		}
   921  	}
   923  	// Write the extra info, if any.
   924  	if extra {
   925  		dextratype(lsym, B, t, dataAdd)
   926  	}
   928  	// Note: DUPOK is required to ensure that we don't end up with more
   929  	// than one type descriptor for a given type, if the type descriptor
   930  	// can be defined in multiple packages, that is, unnamed types,
   931  	// instantiated types and shape types.
   932  	dupok := 0
   933  	if tbase.Sym() == nil || tbase.IsFullyInstantiated() || tbase.HasShape() {
   934  		dupok = obj.DUPOK
   935  	}
   937  	objw.Global(lsym, int32(E), int16(dupok|obj.RODATA))
   939  	// The linker will leave a table of all the typelinks for
   940  	// types in the binary, so the runtime can find them.
   941  	//
   942  	// When buildmode=shared, all types are in typelinks so the
   943  	// runtime can deduplicate type pointers.
   944  	keep := base.Ctxt.Flag_dynlink
   945  	if !keep && t.Sym() == nil {
   946  		// For an unnamed type, we only need the link if the type can
   947  		// be created at run time by reflect.PointerTo and similar
   948  		// functions. If the type exists in the program, those
   949  		// functions must return the existing type structure rather
   950  		// than creating a new one.
   951  		switch t.Kind() {
   952  		case types.TPTR, types.TARRAY, types.TCHAN, types.TFUNC, types.TMAP, types.TSLICE, types.TSTRUCT:
   953  			keep = true
   954  		}
   955  	}
   956  	// Do not put Noalg types in typelinks.  See issue #22605.
   957  	if types.TypeHasNoAlg(t) {
   958  		keep = false
   959  	}
   960  	lsym.Set(obj.AttrMakeTypelink, keep)
   962  	return lsym
   963  }
   965  // InterfaceMethodOffset returns the offset of the i-th method in the interface
   966  // type descriptor, ityp.
   967  func InterfaceMethodOffset(ityp *types.Type, i int64) int64 {
   968  	// interface type descriptor layout is struct {
   969  	//   _type        // commonSize
   970  	//   pkgpath      // 1 word
   971  	//   []imethod    // 3 words (pointing to [...]imethod below)
   972  	//   uncommontype // uncommonSize
   973  	//   [...]imethod
   974  	// }
   975  	// The size of imethod is 8.
   976  	return int64(commonSize()+4*types.PtrSize+uncommonSize(ityp)) + i*8
   977  }
   979  // NeedRuntimeType ensures that a runtime type descriptor is emitted for t.
   980  func NeedRuntimeType(t *types.Type) {
   981  	if _, ok := signatset[t]; !ok {
   982  		signatset[t] = struct{}{}
   983  		signatslice = append(signatslice, typeAndStr{t: t, short: types.TypeSymName(t), regular: t.String()})
   984  	}
   985  }
   987  func WriteRuntimeTypes() {
   988  	// Process signatslice. Use a loop, as writeType adds
   989  	// entries to signatslice while it is being processed.
   990  	for len(signatslice) > 0 {
   991  		signats := signatslice
   992  		// Sort for reproducible builds.
   993  		slices.SortFunc(signats, typesStrCmp)
   994  		for _, ts := range signats {
   995  			t := ts.t
   996  			writeType(t)
   997  			if t.Sym() != nil {
   998  				writeType(types.NewPtr(t))
   999  			}
  1000  		}
  1001  		signatslice = signatslice[len(signats):]
  1002  	}
  1003  }
  1005  func WriteGCSymbols() {
  1006  	// Emit GC data symbols.
  1007  	gcsyms := make([]typeAndStr, 0, len(gcsymset))
  1008  	for t := range gcsymset {
  1009  		gcsyms = append(gcsyms, typeAndStr{t: t, short: types.TypeSymName(t), regular: t.String()})
  1010  	}
  1011  	slices.SortFunc(gcsyms, typesStrCmp)
  1012  	for _, ts := range gcsyms {
  1013  		dgcsym(ts.t, true)
  1014  	}
  1015  }
  1017  // writeITab writes the itab for concrete type typ implementing interface iface. If
  1018  // allowNonImplement is true, allow the case where typ does not implement iface, and just
  1019  // create a dummy itab with zeroed-out method entries.
  1020  func writeITab(lsym *obj.LSym, typ, iface *types.Type, allowNonImplement bool) {
  1021  	// TODO(mdempsky): Fix methodWrapper, geneq, and genhash (and maybe
  1022  	// others) to stop clobbering these.
  1023  	oldpos, oldfn := base.Pos, ir.CurFunc
  1024  	defer func() { base.Pos, ir.CurFunc = oldpos, oldfn }()
  1026  	if typ == nil || (typ.IsPtr() && typ.Elem() == nil) || typ.IsUntyped() || iface == nil || !iface.IsInterface() || iface.IsEmptyInterface() {
  1027  		base.Fatalf("writeITab(%v, %v)", typ, iface)
  1028  	}
  1030  	sigs := iface.AllMethods()
  1031  	entries := make([]*obj.LSym, 0, len(sigs))
  1033  	// both sigs and methods are sorted by name,
  1034  	// so we can find the intersection in a single pass
  1035  	for _, m := range methods(typ) {
  1036  		if == sigs[0].Sym {
  1037  			entries = append(entries, m.isym)
  1038  			if m.isym == nil {
  1039  				panic("NO ISYM")
  1040  			}
  1041  			sigs = sigs[1:]
  1042  			if len(sigs) == 0 {
  1043  				break
  1044  			}
  1045  		}
  1046  	}
  1047  	completeItab := len(sigs) == 0
  1048  	if !allowNonImplement && !completeItab {
  1049  		base.Fatalf("incomplete itab")
  1050  	}
  1052  	// dump empty itab symbol into i.sym
  1053  	// type itab struct {
  1054  	//   inter  *interfacetype
  1055  	//   _type  *_type
  1056  	//   hash   uint32 // copy of _type.hash. Used for type switches.
  1057  	//   _      [4]byte
  1058  	//   fun    [1]uintptr // variable sized. fun[0]==0 means _type does not implement inter.
  1059  	// }
  1060  	c := rttype.NewCursor(lsym, 0, rttype.ITab)
  1061  	c.Field("Inter").WritePtr(writeType(iface))
  1062  	c.Field("Type").WritePtr(writeType(typ))
  1063  	c.Field("Hash").WriteUint32(types.TypeHash(typ)) // copy of type hash
  1065  	var delta int64
  1066  	c = c.Field("Fun")
  1067  	if !completeItab {
  1068  		// If typ doesn't implement iface, make method entries be zero.
  1069  		c.Elem(0).WriteUintptr(0)
  1070  	} else {
  1071  		var a rttype.ArrayCursor
  1072  		a, delta = c.ModifyArray(len(entries))
  1073  		for i, fn := range entries {
  1074  			a.Elem(i).WritePtrWeak(fn) // method pointer for each method
  1075  		}
  1076  	}
  1077  	// Nothing writes static itabs, so they are read only.
  1078  	objw.Global(lsym, int32(rttype.ITab.Size()+delta), int16(obj.DUPOK|obj.RODATA))
  1079  	lsym.Set(obj.AttrContentAddressable, true)
  1080  }
  1082  func WritePluginTable() {
  1083  	ptabs := typecheck.Target.PluginExports
  1084  	if len(ptabs) == 0 {
  1085  		return
  1086  	}
  1088  	lsym := base.Ctxt.Lookup("go:plugin.tabs")
  1089  	ot := 0
  1090  	for _, p := range ptabs {
  1091  		// Dump ptab symbol into go.pluginsym package.
  1092  		//
  1093  		// type ptab struct {
  1094  		//	name nameOff
  1095  		//	typ  typeOff // pointer to symbol
  1096  		// }
  1097  		nsym := dname(p.Sym().Name, "", nil, true, false)
  1098  		t := p.Type()
  1099  		if p.Class != ir.PFUNC {
  1100  			t = types.NewPtr(t)
  1101  		}
  1102  		tsym := writeType(t)
  1103  		ot = objw.SymPtrOff(lsym, ot, nsym)
  1104  		ot = objw.SymPtrOff(lsym, ot, tsym)
  1105  		// Plugin exports symbols as interfaces. Mark their types
  1106  		// as UsedInIface.
  1107  		tsym.Set(obj.AttrUsedInIface, true)
  1108  	}
  1109  	objw.Global(lsym, int32(ot), int16(obj.RODATA))
  1111  	lsym = base.Ctxt.Lookup("go:plugin.exports")
  1112  	ot = 0
  1113  	for _, p := range ptabs {
  1114  		ot = objw.SymPtr(lsym, ot, p.Linksym(), 0)
  1115  	}
  1116  	objw.Global(lsym, int32(ot), int16(obj.RODATA))
  1117  }
  1119  // writtenByWriteBasicTypes reports whether typ is written by WriteBasicTypes.
  1120  // WriteBasicTypes always writes pointer types; any pointer has been stripped off typ already.
  1121  func writtenByWriteBasicTypes(typ *types.Type) bool {
  1122  	if typ.Sym() == nil && typ.Kind() == types.TFUNC {
  1123  		// func(error) string
  1124  		if typ.NumRecvs() == 0 &&
  1125  			typ.NumParams() == 1 && typ.NumResults() == 1 &&
  1126  			typ.Param(0).Type == types.ErrorType &&
  1127  			typ.Result(0).Type == types.Types[types.TSTRING] {
  1128  			return true
  1129  		}
  1130  	}
  1132  	// Now we have left the basic types plus any and error, plus slices of them.
  1133  	// Strip the slice.
  1134  	if typ.Sym() == nil && typ.IsSlice() {
  1135  		typ = typ.Elem()
  1136  	}
  1138  	// Basic types.
  1139  	sym := typ.Sym()
  1140  	if sym != nil && (sym.Pkg == types.BuiltinPkg || sym.Pkg == types.UnsafePkg) {
  1141  		return true
  1142  	}
  1143  	// any or error
  1144  	return (sym == nil && typ.IsEmptyInterface()) || typ == types.ErrorType
  1145  }
  1147  func WriteBasicTypes() {
  1148  	// do basic types if compiling package runtime.
  1149  	// they have to be in at least one package,
  1150  	// and runtime is always loaded implicitly,
  1151  	// so this is as good as any.
  1152  	// another possible choice would be package main,
  1153  	// but using runtime means fewer copies in object files.
  1154  	// The code here needs to be in sync with writtenByWriteBasicTypes above.
  1155  	if base.Ctxt.Pkgpath != "runtime" {
  1156  		return
  1157  	}
  1159  	// Note: always write NewPtr(t) because NeedEmit's caller strips the pointer.
  1160  	var list []*types.Type
  1161  	for i := types.Kind(1); i <= types.TBOOL; i++ {
  1162  		list = append(list, types.Types[i])
  1163  	}
  1164  	list = append(list,
  1165  		types.Types[types.TSTRING],
  1166  		types.Types[types.TUNSAFEPTR],
  1167  		types.AnyType,
  1168  		types.ErrorType)
  1169  	for _, t := range list {
  1170  		writeType(types.NewPtr(t))
  1171  		writeType(types.NewPtr(types.NewSlice(t)))
  1172  	}
  1174  	// emit type for func(error) string,
  1175  	// which is the type of an auto-generated wrapper.
  1176  	writeType(types.NewPtr(types.NewSignature(nil, []*types.Field{
  1177  		types.NewField(base.Pos, nil, types.ErrorType),
  1178  	}, []*types.Field{
  1179  		types.NewField(base.Pos, nil, types.Types[types.TSTRING]),
  1180  	})))
  1181  }
  1183  type typeAndStr struct {
  1184  	t       *types.Type
  1185  	short   string // "short" here means TypeSymName
  1186  	regular string
  1187  }
  1189  func typesStrCmp(a, b typeAndStr) int {
  1190  	// put named types before unnamed types
  1191  	if a.t.Sym() != nil && b.t.Sym() == nil {
  1192  		return -1
  1193  	}
  1194  	if a.t.Sym() == nil && b.t.Sym() != nil {
  1195  		return +1
  1196  	}
  1198  	if r := strings.Compare(a.short, b.short); r != 0 {
  1199  		return r
  1200  	}
  1201  	// When the only difference between the types is whether
  1202  	// they refer to byte or uint8, such as **byte vs **uint8,
  1203  	// the types' NameStrings can be identical.
  1204  	// To preserve deterministic sort ordering, sort these by String().
  1205  	//
  1206  	// TODO(mdempsky): This all seems suspect. Using LinkString would
  1207  	// avoid naming collisions, and there shouldn't be a reason to care
  1208  	// about "byte" vs "uint8": they share the same runtime type
  1209  	// descriptor anyway.
  1210  	if r := strings.Compare(a.regular, b.regular); r != 0 {
  1211  		return r
  1212  	}
  1213  	// Identical anonymous interfaces defined in different locations
  1214  	// will be equal for the above checks, but different in DWARF output.
  1215  	// Sort by source position to ensure deterministic order.
  1216  	// See issues 27013 and 30202.
  1217  	if a.t.Kind() == types.TINTER && len(a.t.AllMethods()) > 0 {
  1218  		if a.t.AllMethods()[0].Pos.Before(b.t.AllMethods()[0].Pos) {
  1219  			return -1
  1220  		}
  1221  		return +1
  1222  	}
  1223  	return 0
  1224  }
  1226  // GCSym returns a data symbol containing GC information for type t, along
  1227  // with a boolean reporting whether the UseGCProg bit should be set in the
  1228  // type kind, and the ptrdata field to record in the reflect type information.
  1229  // GCSym may be called in concurrent backend, so it does not emit the symbol
  1230  // content.
  1231  func GCSym(t *types.Type) (lsym *obj.LSym, useGCProg bool, ptrdata int64) {
  1232  	// Record that we need to emit the GC symbol.
  1233  	gcsymmu.Lock()
  1234  	if _, ok := gcsymset[t]; !ok {
  1235  		gcsymset[t] = struct{}{}
  1236  	}
  1237  	gcsymmu.Unlock()
  1239  	return dgcsym(t, false)
  1240  }
  1242  // dgcsym returns a data symbol containing GC information for type t, along
  1243  // with a boolean reporting whether the UseGCProg bit should be set in the
  1244  // type kind, and the ptrdata field to record in the reflect type information.
  1245  // When write is true, it writes the symbol data.
  1246  func dgcsym(t *types.Type, write bool) (lsym *obj.LSym, useGCProg bool, ptrdata int64) {
  1247  	ptrdata = types.PtrDataSize(t)
  1248  	if ptrdata/int64(types.PtrSize) <= abi.MaxPtrmaskBytes*8 {
  1249  		lsym = dgcptrmask(t, write)
  1250  		return
  1251  	}
  1253  	useGCProg = true
  1254  	lsym, ptrdata = dgcprog(t, write)
  1255  	return
  1256  }
  1258  // dgcptrmask emits and returns the symbol containing a pointer mask for type t.
  1259  func dgcptrmask(t *types.Type, write bool) *obj.LSym {
  1260  	// Bytes we need for the ptrmask.
  1261  	n := (types.PtrDataSize(t)/int64(types.PtrSize) + 7) / 8
  1262  	// Runtime wants ptrmasks padded to a multiple of uintptr in size.
  1263  	n = (n + int64(types.PtrSize) - 1) &^ (int64(types.PtrSize) - 1)
  1264  	ptrmask := make([]byte, n)
  1265  	fillptrmask(t, ptrmask)
  1266  	p := fmt.Sprintf("runtime.gcbits.%x", ptrmask)
  1268  	lsym := base.Ctxt.Lookup(p)
  1269  	if write && !lsym.OnList() {
  1270  		for i, x := range ptrmask {
  1271  			objw.Uint8(lsym, i, x)
  1272  		}
  1273  		objw.Global(lsym, int32(len(ptrmask)), obj.DUPOK|obj.RODATA|obj.LOCAL)
  1274  		lsym.Set(obj.AttrContentAddressable, true)
  1275  	}
  1276  	return lsym
  1277  }
  1279  // fillptrmask fills in ptrmask with 1s corresponding to the
  1280  // word offsets in t that hold pointers.
  1281  // ptrmask is assumed to fit at least types.PtrDataSize(t)/PtrSize bits.
  1282  func fillptrmask(t *types.Type, ptrmask []byte) {
  1283  	for i := range ptrmask {
  1284  		ptrmask[i] = 0
  1285  	}
  1286  	if !t.HasPointers() {
  1287  		return
  1288  	}
  1290  	vec := bitvec.New(8 * int32(len(ptrmask)))
  1291  	typebits.Set(t, 0, vec)
  1293  	nptr := types.PtrDataSize(t) / int64(types.PtrSize)
  1294  	for i := int64(0); i < nptr; i++ {
  1295  		if vec.Get(int32(i)) {
  1296  			ptrmask[i/8] |= 1 << (uint(i) % 8)
  1297  		}
  1298  	}
  1299  }
  1301  // dgcprog emits and returns the symbol containing a GC program for type t
  1302  // along with the size of the data described by the program (in the range
  1303  // [types.PtrDataSize(t), t.Width]).
  1304  // In practice, the size is types.PtrDataSize(t) except for non-trivial arrays.
  1305  // For non-trivial arrays, the program describes the full t.Width size.
  1306  func dgcprog(t *types.Type, write bool) (*obj.LSym, int64) {
  1307  	types.CalcSize(t)
  1308  	if t.Size() == types.BADWIDTH {
  1309  		base.Fatalf("dgcprog: %v badwidth", t)
  1310  	}
  1311  	lsym := TypeLinksymPrefix(".gcprog", t)
  1312  	var p gcProg
  1313  	p.init(lsym, write)
  1314  	p.emit(t, 0)
  1315  	offset := p.w.BitIndex() * int64(types.PtrSize)
  1316  	p.end()
  1317  	if ptrdata := types.PtrDataSize(t); offset < ptrdata || offset > t.Size() {
  1318  		base.Fatalf("dgcprog: %v: offset=%d but ptrdata=%d size=%d", t, offset, ptrdata, t.Size())
  1319  	}
  1320  	return lsym, offset
  1321  }
  1323  type gcProg struct {
  1324  	lsym   *obj.LSym
  1325  	symoff int
  1326  	w      gcprog.Writer
  1327  	write  bool
  1328  }
  1330  func (p *gcProg) init(lsym *obj.LSym, write bool) {
  1331  	p.lsym = lsym
  1332  	p.write = write && !lsym.OnList()
  1333  	p.symoff = 4 // first 4 bytes hold program length
  1334  	if !write {
  1335  		p.w.Init(func(byte) {})
  1336  		return
  1337  	}
  1338  	p.w.Init(p.writeByte)
  1339  	if base.Debug.GCProg > 0 {
  1340  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "compile: start GCProg for %v\n", lsym)
  1341  		p.w.Debug(os.Stderr)
  1342  	}
  1343  }
  1345  func (p *gcProg) writeByte(x byte) {
  1346  	p.symoff = objw.Uint8(p.lsym, p.symoff, x)
  1347  }
  1349  func (p *gcProg) end() {
  1350  	p.w.End()
  1351  	if !p.write {
  1352  		return
  1353  	}
  1354  	objw.Uint32(p.lsym, 0, uint32(p.symoff-4))
  1355  	objw.Global(p.lsym, int32(p.symoff), obj.DUPOK|obj.RODATA|obj.LOCAL)
  1356  	p.lsym.Set(obj.AttrContentAddressable, true)
  1357  	if base.Debug.GCProg > 0 {
  1358  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "compile: end GCProg for %v\n", p.lsym)
  1359  	}
  1360  }
  1362  func (p *gcProg) emit(t *types.Type, offset int64) {
  1363  	types.CalcSize(t)
  1364  	if !t.HasPointers() {
  1365  		return
  1366  	}
  1367  	if t.Size() == int64(types.PtrSize) {
  1368  		p.w.Ptr(offset / int64(types.PtrSize))
  1369  		return
  1370  	}
  1371  	switch t.Kind() {
  1372  	default:
  1373  		base.Fatalf("gcProg.emit: unexpected type %v", t)
  1375  	case types.TSTRING:
  1376  		p.w.Ptr(offset / int64(types.PtrSize))
  1378  	case types.TINTER:
  1379  		// Note: the first word isn't a pointer. See comment in typebits.Set
  1380  		p.w.Ptr(offset/int64(types.PtrSize) + 1)
  1382  	case types.TSLICE:
  1383  		p.w.Ptr(offset / int64(types.PtrSize))
  1385  	case types.TARRAY:
  1386  		if t.NumElem() == 0 {
  1387  			// should have been handled by haspointers check above
  1388  			base.Fatalf("gcProg.emit: empty array")
  1389  		}
  1391  		// Flatten array-of-array-of-array to just a big array by multiplying counts.
  1392  		count := t.NumElem()
  1393  		elem := t.Elem()
  1394  		for elem.IsArray() {
  1395  			count *= elem.NumElem()
  1396  			elem = elem.Elem()
  1397  		}
  1399  		if !p.w.ShouldRepeat(elem.Size()/int64(types.PtrSize), count) {
  1400  			// Cheaper to just emit the bits.
  1401  			for i := int64(0); i < count; i++ {
  1402  				p.emit(elem, offset+i*elem.Size())
  1403  			}
  1404  			return
  1405  		}
  1406  		p.emit(elem, offset)
  1407  		p.w.ZeroUntil((offset + elem.Size()) / int64(types.PtrSize))
  1408  		p.w.Repeat(elem.Size()/int64(types.PtrSize), count-1)
  1410  	case types.TSTRUCT:
  1411  		for _, t1 := range t.Fields() {
  1412  			p.emit(t1.Type, offset+t1.Offset)
  1413  		}
  1414  	}
  1415  }
  1417  // ZeroAddr returns the address of a symbol with at least
  1418  // size bytes of zeros.
  1419  func ZeroAddr(size int64) ir.Node {
  1420  	if size >= 1<<31 {
  1421  		base.Fatalf("map elem too big %d", size)
  1422  	}
  1423  	if ZeroSize < size {
  1424  		ZeroSize = size
  1425  	}
  1426  	lsym := base.PkgLinksym("go:map", "zero", obj.ABI0)
  1427  	x := ir.NewLinksymExpr(base.Pos, lsym, types.Types[types.TUINT8])
  1428  	return typecheck.Expr(typecheck.NodAddr(x))
  1429  }
  1431  // NeedEmit reports whether typ is a type that we need to emit code
  1432  // for (e.g., runtime type descriptors, method wrappers).
  1433  func NeedEmit(typ *types.Type) bool {
  1434  	// TODO(mdempsky): Export data should keep track of which anonymous
  1435  	// and instantiated types were emitted, so at least downstream
  1436  	// packages can skip re-emitting them.
  1437  	//
  1438  	// Perhaps we can just generalize the linker-symbol indexing to
  1439  	// track the index of arbitrary types, not just defined types, and
  1440  	// use its presence to detect this. The same idea would work for
  1441  	// instantiated generic functions too.
  1443  	switch sym := typ.Sym(); {
  1444  	case writtenByWriteBasicTypes(typ):
  1445  		return base.Ctxt.Pkgpath == "runtime"
  1447  	case sym == nil:
  1448  		// Anonymous type; possibly never seen before or ever again.
  1449  		// Need to emit to be safe (however, see TODO above).
  1450  		return true
  1452  	case sym.Pkg == types.LocalPkg:
  1453  		// Local defined type; our responsibility.
  1454  		return true
  1456  	case typ.IsFullyInstantiated():
  1457  		// Instantiated type; possibly instantiated with unique type arguments.
  1458  		// Need to emit to be safe (however, see TODO above).
  1459  		return true
  1461  	case typ.HasShape():
  1462  		// Shape type; need to emit even though it lives in the .shape package.
  1463  		// TODO: make sure the linker deduplicates them (see dupok in writeType above).
  1464  		return true
  1466  	default:
  1467  		// Should have been emitted by an imported package.
  1468  		return false
  1469  	}
  1470  }
  1472  // Generate a wrapper function to convert from
  1473  // a receiver of type T to a receiver of type U.
  1474  // That is,
  1475  //
  1476  //	func (t T) M() {
  1477  //		...
  1478  //	}
  1479  //
  1480  // already exists; this function generates
  1481  //
  1482  //	func (u U) M() {
  1483  //		u.M()
  1484  //	}
  1485  //
  1486  // where the types T and U are such that u.M() is valid
  1487  // and calls the T.M method.
  1488  // The resulting function is for use in method tables.
  1489  //
  1490  //	rcvr - U
  1491  //	method - M func (t T)(), a TFIELD type struct
  1492  //
  1493  // Also wraps methods on instantiated generic types for use in itab entries.
  1494  // For an instantiated generic type G[int], we generate wrappers like:
  1495  // G[int] pointer shaped:
  1496  //
  1497  //	func (x G[int]) f(arg) {
  1498  //		.inst.G[int].f(dictionary, x, arg)
  1499  //	}
  1500  //
  1501  // G[int] not pointer shaped:
  1502  //
  1503  //	func (x *G[int]) f(arg) {
  1504  //		.inst.G[int].f(dictionary, *x, arg)
  1505  //	}
  1506  //
  1507  // These wrappers are always fully stenciled.
  1508  func methodWrapper(rcvr *types.Type, method *types.Field, forItab bool) *obj.LSym {
  1509  	if forItab && !types.IsDirectIface(rcvr) {
  1510  		rcvr = rcvr.PtrTo()
  1511  	}
  1513  	newnam := ir.MethodSym(rcvr, method.Sym)
  1514  	lsym := newnam.Linksym()
  1516  	// Unified IR creates its own wrappers.
  1517  	return lsym
  1518  }
  1520  var ZeroSize int64
  1522  // MarkTypeUsedInInterface marks that type t is converted to an interface.
  1523  // This information is used in the linker in dead method elimination.
  1524  func MarkTypeUsedInInterface(t *types.Type, from *obj.LSym) {
  1525  	if t.HasShape() {
  1526  		// Shape types shouldn't be put in interfaces, so we shouldn't ever get here.
  1527  		base.Fatalf("shape types have no methods %+v", t)
  1528  	}
  1529  	MarkTypeSymUsedInInterface(TypeLinksym(t), from)
  1530  }
  1531  func MarkTypeSymUsedInInterface(tsym *obj.LSym, from *obj.LSym) {
  1532  	// Emit a marker relocation. The linker will know the type is converted
  1533  	// to an interface if "from" is reachable.
  1534  	from.AddRel(base.Ctxt, obj.Reloc{Type: objabi.R_USEIFACE, Sym: tsym})
  1535  }
  1537  // MarkUsedIfaceMethod marks that an interface method is used in the current
  1538  // function. n is OCALLINTER node.
  1539  func MarkUsedIfaceMethod(n *ir.CallExpr) {
  1540  	// skip unnamed functions (func _())
  1541  	if ir.CurFunc.LSym == nil {
  1542  		return
  1543  	}
  1544  	dot := n.Fun.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
  1545  	ityp := dot.X.Type()
  1546  	if ityp.HasShape() {
  1547  		// Here we're calling a method on a generic interface. Something like:
  1548  		//
  1549  		// type I[T any] interface { foo() T }
  1550  		// func f[T any](x I[T]) {
  1551  		//     ... =
  1552  		// }
  1553  		// f[int](...)
  1554  		// f[string](...)
  1555  		//
  1556  		// In this case, in f we're calling foo on a generic interface.
  1557  		// Which method could that be? Normally we could match the method
  1558  		// both by name and by type. But in this case we don't really know
  1559  		// the type of the method we're calling. It could be func()int
  1560  		// or func()string. So we match on just the function name, instead
  1561  		// of both the name and the type used for the non-generic case below.
  1562  		// TODO: instantiations at least know the shape of the instantiated
  1563  		// type, and the linker could do more complicated matching using
  1564  		// some sort of fuzzy shape matching. For now, only use the name
  1565  		// of the method for matching.
  1566  		ir.CurFunc.LSym.AddRel(base.Ctxt, obj.Reloc{
  1567  			Type: objabi.R_USENAMEDMETHOD,
  1568  			Sym:  staticdata.StringSymNoCommon(dot.Sel.Name),
  1569  		})
  1570  		return
  1571  	}
  1573  	// dot.Offset() is the method index * PtrSize (the offset of code pointer in itab).
  1574  	midx := dot.Offset() / int64(types.PtrSize)
  1575  	ir.CurFunc.LSym.AddRel(base.Ctxt, obj.Reloc{
  1576  		Type: objabi.R_USEIFACEMETHOD,
  1577  		Sym:  TypeLinksym(ityp),
  1578  		Add:  InterfaceMethodOffset(ityp, midx),
  1579  	})
  1580  }
  1582  func deref(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
  1583  	if t.IsPtr() {
  1584  		return t.Elem()
  1585  	}
  1586  	return t
  1587  }

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