Go Wiki: Go-1.6-release-party

Party recap on tweets

Missed or missing the party? Here is a flashback for you: https://storify.com/gobridge/go-16v-world-release-party

What’s happening?

To celebrate the release of Go 1.6 we’re organising a world wide release party on February the 17th, 2016.

Hang on, did you say Go 1.6 ships on the 17th of February?

Nope! Go 1.6 ships when it’s ready. With that said, things are looking pretty good for a mid Feb release. Using the power of software estimation, a date was plucked from the aether that happened to coincide with several meetups that were already in the works.

Sounds awesome, how can you get involved?

After the event post a photo, make a video, write a blog post, scribble on your Facebook wall, or tweet something pithy. Let’s see how big we can make the celebration.

Don’t forget to add your details :point_down: right here.

Who’s involved?

Here is a list of the groups who are participating.

If your group is not listed here yet, edit the page and add yourself. Organisers, once you’ve added your group, consider tweeting out a link to the page to raise awareness.

Stay in touch

Trying to co-ordinate dozens of meetup groups around the globe will be challenging. Here are some ways you can plan your event, discuss it online, and keep up to date.

As always, if you get stuck, or need help, please contact the organisers directly, we’re here to help.

Slack Channel

We have a channel for the release party on the Gophers Slack. If you need an invite to Slack, you can request an automatic invite with this link.

Mailing list

We have set up a google groups mailing list for meetup organisers to ask questions. At the moment the list is focused on the event on the 17th, hopefully if that goes well the mailing list will become a useful resource in the future.

What happens in a release party?

Go 1.6 is the 7th release of the language which has been open source since November 10th, 2009 – that’s 6.5 years since the project was open sourced and nearly 4 years since the 1.0 release. A lot has changed in the language since 1.0, so this is a great opportunity to discuss the improvements landing 1.6.


Francesc Campoy presented his State of Go talk at FOSDEM, which includes details of the upcoming Go 1.6 release. His slide are available online.

Here a Go 1.6 presentation slide deck from the Go Sydney users’ group. Feel free to use this for your meetup.


Source: https://github.com/davecheney/gosyd/blob/master/go1.6.slide

Please send PR’s with corrections/additions

Go 1.6 new and noteworthy

Please help by expanding this section so meetup organisers can share these details with their groups.

"{{23 -}} < {{- 45}}"

will produce this output


Did you contribute to Go 1.6 and your contribution is not listed here? Edit this page and add some details about what you did.

What’ll happen if Go 1.6 comes out early?

It’ll ruin the surprise, but only a little. Being realistic, even without the difficulty of timezones it’s impossible to run every meetup at exactly the same time. As mentioned above, Feb 17 is an arbitrary date.

If you’re a meetup organiser, Feb 17th would be great, but your participation is more important than being able to organise your group for exactly the 17th.

What’ll happen if Go 1.6 isn’t out by the 17th?

Well … at least we’ll have each other.

The feature set of Go 1.6 isn’t going to change in the next few weeks. If Go 1.6 ships after the 17th, it will be a little anticlimactic that we jumped the gun, but it’s not a big deal.

Who’s organising this?

Well, if you run a Go meetup, you are. It can’t be a worldwide release party without meetups around the globe.

No, seriously, who’s organising this?

Here are the organisers so far:

Want to help? Edit this page and add yourself

If you have questions, please reach out to one of the organisers.

This content is part of the Go Wiki.